Recent content by clairebun

  1. clairebun

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    uggh,  fine
  2. clairebun

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    He's suffering from Main Character Syndrome. Unfortunately, the only known cure to it is to make contact with the outside world.
  3. clairebun

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    trust me, we're all exercising a LOT of restraint not to just call you a giant pissbaby right now
  4. clairebun

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    AFAIK none of the details of the convo were ever discussed. even in the event that they were (which i doubt) i have to say it doesn't feel to me like she owes you anything, considering all of the drama-stirring you've done, and especially considering all the harrassment you've thrown...
  5. clairebun

    im going to be honest i dont like Sonic 1

    well, calling the GBA version "mid" would be an offense to things that are mid
  6. clairebun

    im going to be honest i dont like Sonic 1

    playing the amy in sonic 1 hack is the only time I've legitimately had fun in sonic 1
  7. clairebun

    Is Brak Eggman’s code based off of the Cyberdemon from Doom?

    yes, in fact I'm pretty sure it's referred to as MT_CYBRAKDEMON in the mobjinfo there was an older version of the boss that had more original attacks, but its mechanics were less intuitive and considered frustrating
  8. clairebun

    A Tetris Reference Hidden Under The Waters Of GFZ1

    How did I not see this before
  9. clairebun

    Sonic Superstars: What's Your Opinion?

    Tee Lopes is also on the sound team, but man that doesn't stop the anxiety any time I hear "Jun Senoue" and "classic sound" in the same sentence
  10. clairebun

    Sonic Superstars: What's Your Opinion?

    I'm buying this on day one under the condition that Jun Senoue doesn't bring out the dying cats, otherwise I'm burning everything to the ground
  11. clairebun

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    There's an argument to be made that the baseline itself needs to be adjusted, but that's a discussion all of its own.
  12. clairebun

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    YOU'RE an Ace Attorney case
  13. clairebun

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Contrary to popular impression, we really haven't committed to that many universal changes yet, but I've put in a lot of work on the unlockable cast to make them flow better. Don't want to go into detail, but I think "schmovement" as a design philosophy has definitely been helpful in fleshing...
  14. clairebun

    How do you feel about the thok being replaced?

    Power Spin was a design experiment we were working with for a little while, and it was designed to try and make Sonic a more well-rounded and interesting character, where use of the ability in different situations could be beneficial for platforming, speedrunning and combat. It's a pretty...
  15. clairebun

    Legacy or 2.2 soundtrack?

    I actually also really liked that track. I went in a different direction for 2.2 on it because it seemed more tonally appropriate, and I think it was the right decision in hindsight.