Recent content by J. 2006

  1. J

    Drop Dash (Mania)

    Hey dude, i've found some bugs on the addon when i was editing it (for personal uses obviously, since idk if this is reusable, im working on smt but only if i have permission from u) when you dropdash, you can see Sonic standing for, idk, 1 or 2 frames?, it messes up with the colission, you can...
  2. J

    Does anyone know how i can disable the water running for the Super Forms?

    that's the thing, i've tried """"scripting""" (i dont know how), but idk if you can make an exception for the water collision, or something like that, something that has to do with the flag SF_WATERUN
  3. J

    Does anyone know how i can disable the water running for the Super Forms?

    i dont like the mechanic and i searched ways to disable it, but i dont know how, when using mods the water run acts weird sometimes, so i want to get rid of it
  4. J

    [Open Assets] Air Options

    it's a real pain trying to find a solution to that, i think is conected to the roll state or the nocontrol flag, idk, but it bothers me so much, when using a super form, and "trying" to roll on water, you just cant, the speed of the super form triggers the water run, even in roll state, i hope...
  5. J

    [Open Assets] Air Options

    Does the water skipping still work?
  6. J

    RushChars - Blaze and Marine

    I totally love the mod!, but, could you make blaze work with the footsteps mod? the one from Gomynola, (if you can, of course)
  7. J

    [Open Assets] The Momentum Mod

    but this momentum mod forces the momentum on the character, that makes it incompatible, a compatibility update can fix that i guess
  8. J

    [Open Assets] The Momentum Mod

    I Totally love this momentum, it doesnt break the Game at all!, but i would like if you can make this compatible with Adventure Sonic, only if it is possible
  9. J

    SRB2 Uncapped

  10. J


    This Addon is awesome, but, in Low end Pc's there are some lag spikes, i think that's because the sprite is..huge?, i guess, and there are some broken sprites, i like it
  11. J

    Run Dust

    Thank You....XD, sometimes i experiment with the Classic Wad, to, atleast delete the physics and have only the contol spin in air, but i dont know anything about LUA and stuff, if you make this it would be a great help, idk how nobody posted a mod like that before.
  12. J

    Run Dust

    No problem dude, anyway, thanks for the reply :)
  13. J

    Run Dust

    oh...that was unexpected, but, im trying to found a mod that allows you to move after jumping when spinning, in vanilla srb2 it's a bit weird playing it like that, i tried Classic wad but, it changes the physics of the game, i just want a standalone mod that allows me to do that, (srry for my...
  14. J

    Run Dust

    I love made my dream come true! I ALWAYS WANTED THIS MOD! (oh and, i have a question, im new in the message board so, i want to know, where i can ask things about a mod?, idk how to explain it XD
  15. J

    [Open Assets] Sonic 06/Adventure Style Spring Jump

    Is there any way to Disable that trail that shows when sonic thok's?, i disabled the Thok Re-Curl on your script but..idk