Recent content by PotatoCroatio

  1. PotatoCroatio

    Reusability, Ports, and Author's Returns

    Well, alright.. A lot of these points are from Sandwichface's video, so sorry if I sound like I'm copying an essay, because I am. Sort of. First of all.. What about teams? If one of the people leave, and decide that their content is nonreusable, that could very much damage something just because...
  2. PotatoCroatio

    I'm not sure if this question has been asked before, but what's the default palette for SRB2? For the level header SOC.

    When I search for "SRB2 Default Palette (SOC)", it shows me the default palette for the game, but not the number for the Level Header. So do any of you know that?
  3. PotatoCroatio

    Reusability, Ports, and Author's Returns

    Well, okay. Nice. But I think there's a bit more you should've talked about than just ports.
  4. PotatoCroatio

    Test program for Zone Builder not working

    No. That should fix it.
  5. PotatoCroatio

    Test program for Zone Builder not working

    So, I'm a beginner in level building, I had just finished the thok barrier tutorial on the SRB2 Wiki, and it tells me to test my map. I press the testing button.. it says I need to configure my testing program. I checked everything and I saw no issues.. but it still wouldn't let me test the map...