Recent content by Zyphyr

  1. Zyphyr

    zypher takis the fox

    lmaooo, this made me chuckle.
  2. Zyphyr

    Cosmic Metal Sonic (Cosmetal)

    It gave me this error when loading it in? Dunno why. I had nothing else loaded. Also I tested this in my server and I think it still causes resyncs but I gotta run it again some more to make sure. 1689910531 Also this popped up when i hosted coop by myself, as soon as I jumped it would crash...
  3. Zyphyr

    SRB2infinity - A Phantasy Star knockoff!

    As much as I love this, we need a give leader option in the social tab, or make it so owner/admin can take it forcefully.
  4. Zyphyr

    SRB2infinity - A Phantasy Star knockoff!

    Any way to make it so saves can be used on multiple servers? Sorta like Rush char's local save for the sol emeralds.
  5. Zyphyr

    Cosmic Metal Sonic (Cosmetal)

    I think the mario mod overwrites on Cosmetal aswell. Wish we could keybind to more things or have a command to change em.