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  1. I

    Need help compiling 2.1.25 for Linux (Debian)

    use this cd src then use make LINUX64=1
  2. I

    3D Models Without OpenGL (Render "DirectX 12")

    // Using DirectX 12 include "dx12.h" 1661630036 class RenderTexture { public: RenderTexture(DXGI_FORMAT format) noexcept; void SetDevice(_In_ ID3D12Device* device, D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE srvDescriptor, D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE rtvDescriptor); void...
  3. I

    Need help compiling 2.1.25 for Linux (Debian)

    Use cd src ; make LINUX64=1 That Worked for me and im on a chromebook 👍 1657942314 And The Terminal Uses Debian
  4. I

    [DISCONTINUED] Pepper-Minted Models: Official Game Models

    Have Fun!!! (The Picture) You Got Games On Yo Phone
  5. I

    Invalid Dimentoions Glaber Emerald Coast SIGSEGV Crash

    a problem when i'm playing the game with mods (that don't change it) is when i play Emerald Coast Record Attack it crashes at the most random places it crashed when i was in record attack then it didn't save this error came up An error occurred within SRB2! Send this stack trace to someone who...