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  1. MacUser

    Sonic Spinoffs: Should they return?

    Why not bring back Knuckles Chaotix but as a game where you aren't tethered to your partner and instead it's like Sonic and Tails in Sonic 3&K? Have abilities that aid each other in levels and levels designed around them. Less acts per zone of course and more variety and detail in the zones...
  2. MacUser

    Sonic Movie 3

    It will be good.
  3. MacUser

    Introduce Yourself!

    Great. Now the Bubble Bobble theme is stuck in my head. Thanks. lol 1688919262 "Behold the power of cheese!"
  4. MacUser

    Favorite Spider-Man Game

    Any Marvel game by Sega, Taito, LJN, Capcom, or Activision. Yes, really.
  5. MacUser

    question for car guys here: whats your favorite/dream car?

    That's not me in the picture btw. Just some dude who converted the arcade into an actual vehicle.
  6. MacUser

    Meme Thread

  7. MacUser


    it's cool.
  8. MacUser

    NiGHTS Lego set idea

    Me too! :D
  9. MacUser

    What do you think about the Sonic franchise in 2023?

    Reminds me of the Weird Al Yankovic song, Everything You Know is Wrong.
  10. MacUser

    What do you think about having to pay for switch games that run at 30 fps for $60?

    It doesn't even matter if Nintendo is a console generation behind. All 3 of the big 3 console makers have games that run 30fps on average. The Switch 2 is rumored to be on par with the PS4. That doesn't mean anything when it comes to average framerates. It might run Switch games better...
  11. MacUser

    If you were to make Generations longer, what would your zone order be?

    I like the remixes in Generations.
  12. MacUser


    One ring challenge mode where you have to survive an entire act, zone, or game on one single ring. The story could be a big magnet was built by Robotnik to steal all the rings at once to keep them out of Sonic's hands to make him easier to defeat. Then one ring appears, possibly from another...
  13. MacUser

    If you were to make Generations longer, what would your zone order be?

    I'd have an entire section dedicated to the 3 Sega Saturn games since the Genesis section didn't cover 3D Blast. The level I would pick from Sonic R would be a combination of all of the tracks including the secret one at the end or have the secret track for Super Sonic. Maybe have a boss fight...
  14. MacUser

    Favorite Starter Pokemon?

  15. MacUser

    What's your favorite Pokémon?

    Anything that's a water type or ice type.
  16. MacUser

    NiGHTS Lego set idea

    Someone came up with a NiGHTS Into Dreams Lego set that has both NiGHTS and Reala! I hope it hits the goal soon! Check it out! So cool!
  17. MacUser

    your first 100%

    It was probably Wario Land II on the original Game Boy. Either that or Pokemon Blue Version which took a long while to complete the Pokedex in it. Never did get all of the heart pieces in Zelda Link's Awakening.
  18. MacUser

    Post your Desktop

    This one agrees.
  19. MacUser

    Nintendo Direct - June 21, 2023 (SPOILER ALERT)

    Both Mario and Sonic are bringing their A-game so I'm gonna probably get em both.