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  1. amperbee

    Glaber's Ban and anything Sandwichface related ig

    he was banned for more than just airing his grievances with the game
  2. amperbee

    Does SRB2 have merch?

    you could always make your own things at your own monetary expense lmao, this has been true even before SEGA as a company was formed
  3. amperbee

    Modding questions

    if by "count down" you're talking about something like asking the judges to release it only after a particular date, then yes, you can! it has been done a few times for other mods. make sure to take into account that judging takes like a week or so on average, so don't just pick a date one or...
  4. amperbee

    Reusability, Ports, and Author's Returns

    That would be a creative liberty you took so it has better compatibility with something unrelated to the mod itself. A judge would make the call on whether that's allowed, but it would easily fall into not being just a port.
  5. amperbee

    Reusability, Ports, and Author's Returns

    That seems like a fair compromise. The (non-exhaustive at the moment) list of standards hits all the points I've seen being brought up by people - and myself! Can't wait to see what comes out of it :shitsfree:
  6. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    Trust me when I say I'm trying my best to both A) Understand your point B) PRY your point from you but holy shit you are not making it easy. Like, at all. You're giving me a walk around the park or repeatedly hurling insults for no reason. Like, what the fuck is this? You know this...
  7. amperbee

    Is there any way to measure the space between the floor and the player?

    a mobj's z coordinate holds their z position in the world a mobj's floorz field holds what's the closest floor from their point of view - that is, the first thing below them that would stop their movement (that is not an object? i forgot) Assuming the variable mobj exists and has a mobj, the...
  8. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    [/spoiler] 1712893127 It's valid. It's also useless to the author. The guy in the screenshot gave several points about why the character is unbalanced. Your feedback is just "it's low effort" 🤷‍♂️
  9. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    Don't do this, dude. You know full well why threads stay open. You've been in The Other Thread, you should know better. If you don't like something, report it. If you don't want to engage anymore, leave the thread. I did say this but under a different context of "you don't have to answer ASAP...
  10. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    That's it? Is it right to assume you qualify the "creativity" of a mod by just the sprite they choose to display? Because otherwise you get people asking you why. The part where I don't know what's "uncreative" and "lazy" for you. all i've gathered in this post alone is that you don't like...
  11. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    what typo??? i assume this response is because i quoted the letters "Wh" and told you about using the quote feature? that was just me telling you that you can make a big post instead of many smaller posts, that's it
  12. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    Actually, you're right. You're not "attacking" the mods. To attack implies fierce action, the which you aren't exactly doing here. A more correct term would be "insulting" them. That would be preferred over just saying they're low effort. At least one can derive a meaning out of a long winded...
  13. amperbee

    Uninspired mods nowadays?

    I'm not sure what your main issue with mods is. Some of these are pretty "creative" in that they take existing work to make something new. Or I guess in the side of Takis, making an Antonblast out of a doodle of Tails. Which I'd say is pretty creative on itself, even more when you consider the...
  14. amperbee

    Does anyone know what genre BattleMod is and where I can get more?

    Sounds like you want to fight other people without having to bother with things like loadouts, classes (to an extent), or practically any other objective that isn't "kill others". I don't think there's a genre associated to that lol Most arena shooters I've seen might be something close to what...
  15. amperbee

    how to make lua files work

    It is impossible to give you an answer when you are super vague on what do you mean with this. It helps us a lot if you elaborate what exactly are you doing or what are you attempting to do, how are you getting there, and what do you expect for it to do. To have a Lua script to work, the which...
  16. amperbee

    JUMP THOK but it flings you down

    Then do it? If you need help, state so and describe what do you need help with. Just making a statement that you're going to make something, or that you're trying to make something, does not leave much for the imagination.
  17. amperbee

    OBS Issue.

    It's an option when you select Window Capture or Game Capture as your source and then you try configuring it. Lets you pick the window to capture from.
  18. amperbee

    This game feels like learning to play videogames again, and that's awesome.

    dude is experiencing horrendous momentum and simply wanted to share his nostalgia for such controls; no need to be a dick, man :worry:
  19. amperbee

    Trouble Replacing STARTUP.Imp With A Custom .Imp

    autoexec.cfg is executed after the game has properly initialized, sometime after the game finishes loading and enters fullscreen or the appropiate window mode. Your mod is being loaded too late. By the way, it's not .imp like the demon, it's .lmp like the short for "lump".
  20. amperbee

    Attempting to create a custom ability and need some help

    Ah, gotcha What you did up there gets close, but it's not what you're looking to do. If your code worked, it would only give you bonus jump height while you're in the middle of a jump, and since the bonus jump isn't being reset, it stays with the player forever. Start by thinking what are you...