Lavaproof Rings

[Open Assets] Lavaproof Rings v1

Very Very Very cool and needed addon I like it alot!
Upvote 0
functions as intended, no direct problems with the mod's implementation, i just wish the community would make mods leaning in the direction of increasing challenge instead of decreasing it. the fact people are acting like this was *necessary* really implies they haven't bothered improving at the game since its initial release (and that's not really their fault, but that's more a problem with the game's current design than the mod existing.)
Upvote 0
Omg, i can't believe this is real, now none of us have to be anxious about the lava making your rings go bye-bye like its Sonic Adventure 2 all over again, great addon.
Upvote 2
This mod was literally needed for a reason, and now it's a possibility. I will always use this whenever I'm hosting, 5 stars, never gonna change my review, ever.
Upvote 5