Contest Discussion Topic (2.0.X)

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I tried that, but unfortunately it didn't work at all. The flag refused to spawn on top of the FOF it was placed on, and no matter what I did, I couldn't get it to spawn correctly, even when I set the Z position and removed the gravity flippers and all that stuff. I guess I'm going to have to sit back and watch my map fail, then.

Well you could try adding rooms, I'm going to guess that the map has a central hub. You could make extra rooms that branch off from the central point. Or existing rooms that have halls or rooms branching off.
The thing is that my map doesn't have a central hub. It has two seperate hubs, and the only way to travel between the two is to go outside the space station and then go back in on the other side. This involves several gravity flips. I'm thinking that it would be a bit too complicated to add rooms at this point, although I may be wrong.
Okay, this is a match (or CTF) level I'm making...




That's what I got so far... So yeah I was wondering:
-Does it look good?
-Is there anything there that should be changed?
Wow, I never saw your level design, but you can be sure that you have a solid foundation.

The level itself looks "fresh , air mountain ambiance" (more than 5 days to have the download link !)
However, there may be a small visual problem ... you see the big walls of each side of the level ? There are two side. One is brown, the other gray. I feel the gray does not fit the environment. I think it would be better to color it brown like the other wall. In my opinion.

And of course, like any CTF / Match respectable, I hope it will not be too narrow, especially in caves.
Okay, this is a match (or CTF) level I'm making...




That's what I got so far... So yeah I was wondering:
-Does it look good?
-Is there anything there that should be changed?
Try adding more details, it looks like plain ol' platforms for now. A bit flowers and stuff here and there, y'know. That'd be nice.
The thing is that my map doesn't have a central hub. It has two seperate hubs, and the only way to travel between the two is to go outside the space station and then go back in on the other side. This involves several gravity flips. I'm thinking that it would be a bit too complicated to add rooms at this point, although I may be wrong.

Maybe you can have different gimmicks, traps, etc. scattered around each hub so people can tell one hub apart from the other and have at least an idea of where the weapons are. Like lasers in one and sludge in the other, for example. Would that work?
Maybe you can have different gimmicks, traps, etc. scattered around each hub so people can tell one hub apart from the other and have at least an idea of where the weapons are. Like lasers in one and sludge in the other, for example. Would that work?

Perhaps, but that would be a bit difficult due to my map's one main gimmick: the ability to walk or climb on all surfaces. The sludge wouldn't harm you at all if you were walking on the ceiling, and lasers wouldn't do a thing if you were on the outside of the space station. Sludge on both the ceiling and floor would look quite strange, etc. Perhaps I could make the windows or textures in each hub different?

EDIT: I just made the map less symmetrical by giving one side red textures and the other side blue textures. Is that a good idea?
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Okay, this is a match (or CTF) level I'm making...




That's what I got so far... So yeah I was wondering:
-Does it look good?
-Is there anything there that should be changed?

That looks really good, actually! And I agree with Yoshi that flowers wouldn't really fit, if only because their stalks don't fit with the grass. However, maybe you could place some bushes near the edges of platforms, berry bushes near important items, and place a few stalactites in the 'cave' areas.

The only things I'd change are the aforementioned grey wall, and the grass edges. WEEDWALL fits better with the Leaf Forest grass. And you might want to make more usage of the ruin theme throughout the entire level, instead of just using it for that bridge.

Oh, and the transparent FOF gradient kinda looks odd next to the MKB sky in the last screenshot, you might wanna do something about that.
Since it's within a week of when the OLDC starts, I suppose it's time to show off maps. So here we go. ;P

  • Have your Srb2doombuilder
  • Including custom 'Sparkles' and 'Penguinator' sprites
  • Don't forget your 'Socs'
  • Add a pinch of Thompson and you get...


And maybe some other pics later...
* Click on the spoiler *
* See the big flake * Whoah, all the FOF.
* Turn her head 360 degrees like aliens and analyse/observes better the level. *
About the new additions :
- The sky will spend very nicely with the scenery. For the penguin, I hope he will looks like to an enemy of SRB2.

Oh, and it's 1-P, is not it ?
On the left, I see two iceberg water. There are circles of rings ... I rarely see the circles of rings far far away from the main path.
EDIT: I just made the map less symmetrical by giving one side red textures and the other side blue textures. Is that a good idea?
That doesn't make it less symmetrical, but I suppose it doesn't look bad.

On the left, I see two iceberg water. There are circles of rings ... I rarely see the circles of rings far far away from the main path.
In this level, there is no "main path", really. You'll see what I mean in a few days.

Oh, and let me add that Sparkling Icecap is now my favorite single player stage for SRB2.
Wow, that level looks awesome (especially the snowflake). Then this will most probably the best SP OLDC in 2.0 if other good mappers intend to finish their map in time. What is that bad is I won't be able play them until July 3th since I'll be in vacation this week. So all I can say is good luck to all mappers and may the best SP level win!
  • Have your Srb2doombuilder
  • Including custom 'Sparkles' and 'Penguinator' sprites
  • Don't forget your 'Socs'
  • Add a pinch of Thompson and you get...


And maybe some other pics later...

You've just won the SP half of this OLDC before it even started =P. But seriously, I can't wait to play this. That snowflake looks awesome.
Stronghold Forest Zone, Act 1:
Well, it's been awhile since I've entered a 1p level, so I have entered this thing in. Most of you know that I released a demo of Chaos Domain a few weeks ago, and that the Stronghold Forest in it failed. So I have built a new one from scratch and sent it in!
Wow, looks like the SP division will actually be good this time around. When is the submission deadline again?
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