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It's time for the traditional minor update.

Tails super ability Updraft gets stronger the faster you're falling when you use it.


Metal super ability Hover has been recoded instead of just using the vanilla super float. My version functions more like Metal's vanilla ability. I did this mostly because of two very annoying issues vanilla super float has: 1) the PF_JUMPED on the floor bug and 2) unintentionally spinning when flying into a slope. Compare the behavior below.


Metal's thok is now considered a separate ability internally. This should fix Revi having major conflicts with anything that uses the thok. I'm still not addressing specific mod conflicts, but this was general enough to warrant attention.

Fixed several issues with the Bubble Shield

Fixed a few things that didn't scale properly (again)

Fixed bug that could lock you into twinspin forever


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I just tried this mod out and I have to say, you did an amazing job with it overall! Well, at least from what I've tried so far.

Things I like the most and wish were in the vanilla game:

* Fang's bouncing is SO MUCH more fun when it doesn't reset momentum. It feels very stiff and awkward that bouncing around as him comes at the cost of momentum resets and therefore is difficult for speedrunning, and it feels amazing to have that reset done away with.
* Metal Sonic being able to run through spikes no matter what alleviates the issue that his race and battle don't faithfully show what he's like as a playable character.
* The attraction shield is SO MUCH more fun to use when it's chainable and I don't think it takes away challenge factor at all. It's not like this is mindless button mashing; you have to aim the camera appropriately each time to continue the chain, which makes it rewarding when you are able to continue chains.
* The armageddon shield turning into the ash shield fixes my big problem with it (after you deliberately use it, you're vulnerable all over again) and I like the visual detail of leaving small poofs of ashes behind.
* The force shield redirecting momentum is a great change too and makes it so much more interesting. In my experience, the elemental and force shields' vanilla abilities are just "fast fall" and "slow fall" in practice respectively, which I'm not a fan of. I can see your version of the force shield being very useful in scenarios where you're right about to fall over a hazard or death pit, but then remember you can use the shield to redirect your momentum somewhere safer.
* The bubble shield's momentum reset is a good riddance too, it's now way more fun. In this mod, the crazy interactions with slopes aren't the big thing about the bubble shield for me, the elemental shield has that instead.
* Thank you for nerfing Tails' flight, he so badly needed a nerf.

Thoughts on Sonic's ability:

While I'm not the biggest fan of the idea of Sonic having his ability replaced with a double jump, I think this mod pulls that idea off very well. Having shield abilities usable after the arc jump is a genius idea that solves the issue of being redundant with the whirlwind shield, and it's also fun to pull off with the other shields. Though it trips me up that Sonic doesn't get instant bursts of speed in this mod, playing around with it has warmed me up to the idea of Sonic balancing speed and versatility, while leaving the insane instant speed that's difficult to control but fun once you master it to Metal Sonic. It almost feels like those two are swapped here, which is pretty reasonable.

Changes I would suggest:

* Say in Amy's character select screen blurb that unlike other characters, she uses jump+jump for shield abilities, and after that, say you can change that using console commands.
* Was it intentional that doing a shield jump+spin ability and then holding spin no longer sends you into a spin state? I'd personally prefer if that was kept in the game, if you don't want to land into a spin then just don't press spin.
* I don't think the bubble shield should be able to bounce on damaging grounds, or at the very least, not over lava.
* I think Fang's gun should be kept to killing most enemies in one hit. If you're really going to make the gun take multiple hits to destroy one-hit enemies, then at least put a stronger visual indicator that the enemies are weaker now. But I'd really rather keep the number of hits it takes to kill an enemy the same no matter how you do it.
* If most characters can spin onto horizontal springs and hammering on springs makes Amy spin as well, then where does that leave Fang? It feels odd for him to be the only one who can't make good use of horizontal springs, but I can't think of how he'd have a good way to spin from horizontal springs. Maybe somehow work that into his tail bounce?
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More changes I suggest:

* I don't think Metal Sonic should trivialize spikes entirely, just like how Amy has to use her hammer to break spikes and Mighty in Mania is only partly invulnerable to spikes. Maybe have it so that he can run or thok through spikes, but is hurt by jumping or falling on spikes, and by retractable spikes appearing?
* I'd personally like if Fang could bounce on moving spikes and lava in this mod.
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Is it intentional that doing a shield jump+spin ability and then holding spin no longer sends you into a spin state? I'd personally prefer if that was kept in the game, if you don't want to land into a spin then just don't press spin.
That is vanilla behavior. I didn't change it.
I don't think the bubble shield should be able to bounce on damaging grounds, or at the very least, not over lava.
Also vanilla behavior. Bounces ignoring floor triggers reeks of a bug that was decided to be kept as a feature of Fang's tail bounce. It really shouldn't also apply to the bubble shield, but I'm not fixing vanilla bugs I don't need to because the code will become redundant if it's fixed in a 2.2 patch.
I think Fang's gun should be kept to killing most enemies in one hit. If you're really going to make the gun take multiple hits to destroy one-hit enemies, then at least put a stronger visual indicator that the enemies are weaker now. But I'd really rather keep the number of hits it takes to kill an enemy the same no matter how you do it.
The cork defense exists as a counterbalance to Fang's increased gun speed and as a supplement to the cooldown being linked to having an active cork. Shooting more threatening enemies becomes a game of distance management, but if it's something dumb like a crawla horde you can just get in their face and mow them down several times faster than vanilla Fang even though they resist the first shot. Earlier versions simply de-clunked the gun without making any other changes and enemies rarely ever posed a threat to Fang at all. The sole exception was the bees, which only take one shot to kill under the current system anyways.
I don't think Metal Sonic should trivialize spikes entirely, just like how Amy has to use her hammer to break spikes and Mighty in Mania is only partly invulnerable to spikes. Maybe have it so that he can run or thok through spikes, but is hurt by jumping or falling on spikes, and by retractable spikes appearing?
My original intention with that was for Metal Sonic to break spikes when touching their side but get hurt when touching their tip. This worked fine for the floor spike, but the wall spike was being a massive jerk so I just went "whatever" and had them always break. I might make another attempt at it for the next bugfix update though.
Thanks for the clarifications! I should mention that I find your mod to be an overall improvement from the vanilla game, especially because of the shield abilities. With this mod, it no longer feels like a gut punch for me to accidentally grab a different shield when wearing a whirlwind shield. The force shield especially is so much more versatile here, probably favorable over even whirlwind in certain circumstances.
Here's another suggestion for something to change: right now in this mod, Fang is the only character who can't whirlwind jump from a spring. This seems to be a side effect of a change with when he and Amy can use their primary abilities, and I'd prefer it if pressing jump after a spring did a whirlwind jump instead of a tail bounce when wearing a whirlwind shield, just like all other characters.

EDIT: Never mind, I'm stupid. You can totally whirlwind jump off a spring as Fang using spin instead of jump. I'm surprised I didn't realize that sooner. An issue does occur with that, though: with their spring and jump states merged(?), Amy and Fang can whirlwind jump off springs at far greater heights than anyone else, especially from a red spring. I don't think this is an intended feature, but if it is, I think it gives them an incredibly unfair advantage.
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EDIT: Never mind, I'm stupid. You can totally whirlwind jump off a spring as Fang using spin instead of jump. I'm surprised I didn't realize that sooner. An issue does occur with that, though: with their spring and jump states merged(?), Amy and Fang can whirlwind jump off springs at far greater heights than anyone else, especially from a red spring. I don't think this is an intended feature, but if it is, I think it gives them an incredibly unfair advantage.
That is indeed a bug. Will be fixed in 9b.

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