Introduce Yourself

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alright who's callum I never meet him

EDIT: I first started playing SRB2 June 2009 back in 1.0.9a quitted for a while and came back on October 2010 in 2.0.6.
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Well, I'm Nickster99. I've only been actually doing discussion maybe about two weeks ago, sooooo....
I have a DeviantArt account with a comic (fanfiction-free!) called Sonic Panel
I prefer Cartoon Network over MLP.
I guess that's it.
I prefer Cartoon Network over MLP.


What a burn! I'm feeling absolutely positively super duper scorched. Anyways, welcome and all that stuff! Do you plan on getting into designing for SRB2, or are you just here because you enjoy playing?
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My name is Ninja Im' from Florida, Orlando. My hobbies are : Making flash movies on There mostly Sonic and Finalfantisy Flash movie's, and mostly playing on SRB2 and Sonic next-GEN
and 4 years later burned it into the trash. Ive started playing srb2 again, got banned from the sonic retro forum cause it drived me nuts how they complained about the simplest things. Crawling back here to see how the sonic generations celebrations going on .
Hi, I'm Jake92. I'm currently making a wad based on a game by Rachel Morris, Pickin' Sticks. I hope I become successful. So anyway, I been liking SRB2, Hot Wheels, and stuff like that. My dream is to get all the Stunt Track Driver (which is a Hot Wheels game) cars and get the Sky Drop set. I hope you like me here!


P.S. I'm sorry if I'm bumping.
it'sa me! some random guy!

I was at first known as "skelodude606" on Lego's website.
Later on armor games, I signed up as "Gameman12"
Some time past, I forgot what I called myself, and so "Gamerman" was born.

playing video games, building with Lego's, reading, random projects, customizing things and horrible attempts to be a comedian.

late teens


Weird things:
I own a website, ( I'm horrible at spelling,
(Thank goodness for spell check)
I start a new line when typing things A LOT, I'm mildly disorganized, think the order of coolest characters is #1. sonic, #2. sora, #3. megaman, and get bored easily.

Find me at:
FGX insider and comic fury under the same name, Newgrounds as "gamerman12", and GO!Animate and youtube as "gamerman3434"

Webcomic: stinkoman: FCQ
Video series: gamerman the animated series
Also, like 5 wads or so under my belt... so I know my way around. Sorta.
I've been gone for nearly a year. Life stuff, blah blah. I'm back. That's all that really needs to be said.

Hello, everyone!
I've been playing SRB2 only a few months ago. Been a sonic fan since 2007 (shame, I know)

So hello.
Hi, I'm Mystik Mandeus (known as Mystic Mandeus on SRB2). I like SRB2 as well as the Sonic games themselves, and I enjoy other game franchises too. That's about it!
I'm on the forum since a little while, so it's maybe a good idea to introduce myself (at the same way as Mystic's).

I'm Internet Explorer (I just chose this name about the fact I like computers. It's too late to change anyway ~), I'm a 14 year old and french girl. I love everything which is related to feelings (so the japanese mangas/animes is one of my favourite passions), and thereafter I have a nostalgic/sad mind... inside, so it is also usually sweet and soft. I eat emotionally by watching animes like Naruto, and lately, MLP : FIM, which, despite its cartoon side, keep a tasty emotional side that I love.
On the creative editors, like SRB2 DB, I can spread my own custom universe. I always try to make up original and new themes, made by my heart. About "extra design", I'm fond about the colormap, the name of the level and its music. I want to add an evening/sunset colormap when I can, write long and weird level names, and the music if my favourite part, because I have to choose between more than 16.000 musics in my library.
Of course, I'm still trying to keep a good gameplay.
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Hello, my name is Cyum, and i'm teenager in the united states. In fact, I am also a hard core designer and gamer. In addition, I am honored to be on the forums with other sonic players as well as the developers of SRB2. I look towards the future with this fourm and it's members, as well of great time for me to be accepted and respected in this forum.
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Hello, I've been playing SRB2 for 4-5 years now, and I finally decided to join these forums. I didn't want to join back then because I was young and my grammar was bad.
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