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    • The beta build is public so it's fine to showcase, just know it's still in beta.
    • Characters that aren't from the Sonic IP don't usually get BattleMod support, and even if they were allowed I have no idea what to do...
    • Yeah you can, just bear in mind this is still an unfinished build and not the full release.
    • Alright, this is probably the last beta build before the full proper release. All of the deaths have been implemented, some bugs...
    • Some cool stuff, and we're one step closer to finishing this thing. So first off: the total number of boxes needed to break have been...
    • I already plan to adjust the required amount of boxes to be broken for singleplayer, in multiplayer the total number can be left as it...
    • This is a fair point, but the primary thing is that srb2 levels are giant and non-linear, which is the complete opposite of the original...
    • So I've now added a radar-type function for Box Tally Mode that shows how far away the closest box is and spawns a pointer that points...
    • Emmette_Clyde replied to the thread Emmette Clyde.
      Emmette_Clyde updated Emmette Clyde with a new update entry: Placing a Bandaid on a Mess Read the rest of this update entry...
    • There's only so much I can do to improve baby's first mod. Buffed her base jump height to make up for her nerfed tornado jump, and...
    • At long last, we have an update. "Box Tally Mode" has officially been re-added to the mod and monitors actually get replaced with...
      • srb20009.gif
      • srb20016.gif
      • srb20013.gif
      • srb20012.gif
      • srb20011.gif
      • srb20010.gif
      • srb20014.gif
      • srb20015.gif
    • Emmette_Clyde replied to the thread Emmette Clyde.
      Emmette_Clyde updated Emmette Clyde with a new update entry: Some Changes... Read the rest of this update entry...
    • Emmette_Clyde updated the resource Emmette Clyde with Some Changes....
      So not much to note, I nerfed the tornado high jump, made it so you can't ground pound if you're holding the jump button (credit to N4h...
    • I'll get around to fixing the bug with the body slam on goop. To address your other questions, I have a very limited understanding of...
    • Alright, I'm gonna respond to each point individually: - Crash doesn't have a super belly flop? It's just the regular belly flop. The...
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