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    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      Forgot as in you didnt add them and now you did, or didnt include them in the screenshot? regardless you should see a line that says...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      should have been more clear about the second part, could you show the contents of the models.dat, specifically where the hesse sonic...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      could you give more info? send the a picture of the folder where the model is and the models.dat youre using
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      do you have the latest version of the hesse sonic addon installed? not really sure what would be causing that unless youre using the...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      its the max control pack dropdash
    • kaldrum reacted to GameingTime's post in the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models with Cool! Cool!.
      ah, i had an older version of yoshi, now the model works perfectly! thanks for the help
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      thats really weird. I know that the shoes kinda bug out at framerates above 35 when you eat something but i havent seen this before. The...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      shit sucks man, hope you and your family stay safe if you are committed to trying to get these to work on Android, I would recommend...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      I mean the second as in look up a video instead of searching for a mb thread. I don't really know what the two install methods you...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      to be honest, I'm not really up to date on how the android install works. i would suggest looking for another thread on here where...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      battlemod extra animations
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      if the models.dat works normally, just copy the lines into it from the instructions and make sure the folders are in the "models" folder...
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      does mobile still use the modelpack command? or can you use the models.dat normally
    • kaldrum replied to the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models.
      it doesn't anymore just bc the android model install method keeps changing (?) I'm not really sure how the install goes anymore
    • kaldrum reacted to SpeedyHedgehog's post in the thread Kaldrum's 3D Models with Cool! Cool!.
      Oh well your models are amazing!
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