group: undertale

  1. wellheresben

    [Character] BEN's SexyPackOfOutstandingCharacters

    Welcome to the thread of BEN's SexyPackOfOutstandingCharacters, mom, if you are reading this, this is my life now. Characters : Version's Changelog :

    [Character] Asriel Dreemurr, That Undertale Kid

    The small flower goatchild, finally in racing form! I've been itching for a good kart Asriel, so I ignored my sleep schedule for a night to make this! All of the sprites were drawn by myself and scaled down to be the right resolution (as I'm not very good at spriting). He's got a 2 in weight...
  3. wellheresben

    ✞☜☼✡ ✋☠❄☜☼☜💧❄✋☠☝📬📬📬 (Undertale)

    ✞☜☼✡ ✋☠❄☜☼☜💧❄✋☠☝📬📬📬 (Undertale) 💧⚐ ✡⚐🕆 👍✌💣☜📬📬📬 📬📬📬☠✋👍☜📬📬📬 📬📬📬🕈☟✡ 🕈⚐🕆☹👎 ✡⚐🕆 ❄☟⚐🕆☝☟✍📬📬📬 📬📬📬🕈⚐🕆☹👎☠🕯❄ ✡⚐🕆 ☼✌❄☟☜☼ ☞⚐☼☝☜❄✍📬 Here he is!, our Creepy Boy W.D. Gaster is in "SRB2 Kart", sadly he can't speak in hands now, cause They're on the steering wheel!. Have Fun!. Version's Changelog : V1 ...
  4. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    [Open Assets] Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm's SRB2Kart MD2s [V2.0]

    Inspired by Jeck Jims' and Tiniest Turtles' MD2 packs, this is a small assortment of currently five models for SRB2Kart. Characters: Installation: Unzip the attachment and place the mdls folder in the root of your SRB2Kart directory, merging it with the existing folder if there is one. Open...
  5. FabulousNinji

    [Character] Ninji's Character Pack

    Figured it was about time I made one of these! This pack contains 16 characters, and the number just keeps growing. There are two versions of the pack: one with every character packed into one file, and one with each character file separately.
  6. SeanTG246

    [Open Assets] Sean's Kart Character Pack - v3 (Banjo & Kazooie)

    Now that PK3 files are supported and people are making their own character packs, I think it's time for me to try throwing my hat in the ring and make one, so here you go! A character pack with every character I've made as of now packed into a singular PK3 file, with some slight updates to some...
  7. NightlyComet

    [Character] Mercedes-Benz Ralsei

    Ralsei in his Mercedes-Benz. Based on the video, "Why is he selling merch for a demo...". I tried to emulate the style of the video. Credits: Mercedes-Benz images - Mercedes-Benz SFX - Why is he selling merch for a demo...
  8. DirkTheHusky

    [Character] Dirk's Character pack R13

    --Standard Release-- I present to you all my character pack. I made this little thing so that people can enjoy the characters I've done or collaborated with. There are 27 characters included in this PK3 file. The zip file below contains both the entire pack itself and the separate addons for...
  9. SeanTG246

    [Open Assets] Sans the Skeleton - v3 (now with MD2 support!)

    Sans was never finished and released as a base game addon, but at least he'll get a chance in SRB2 Kart! What makes him slightly unique compared to the other characters (if at all) is that instead of riding in a regular kart, he rides on his bike/scooter/whatever from the credits of the...