single level

  1. cube

    Sonic the Hedgehog MVD: October 1st Demo 2.2

    Our newest entry to the Message Board is here, however please check the editing thread for more information, a summary of the game is posted here for newcomers. Keep in mind, however, that this is only a demonstration of what is to become a large singleplayer campaign mod in the far future...
  2. ()Chaos_Red()

    CavernZoneMap v1

    I don't know what I should put for the description... So I'm just gonna show you a couple of images, and hope you can trust that I made this good.
  3. Maverick

    MyFirstLvL.wad 1.0

    Welcome to the first Level I have ever made. play as your favorite character and get a unique experience out of it. Platform through the grassy fields of yet another Greenhill clone. yay :| or maybe take a offshoot to a dreary cave. ooh spooky :0 what are those signs for... anyways there is...
  4. Tails Junior

    Wing Fortress Zone

    SRB2 is a great platform for creating maps in the classic style and Wing Fortress Zone, including, I think you would be interested to see this project in 3d
  5. SuperOfSrb2

    Sunrise Summit Zone v1L

    Recently I've been digging through my old, unreleased stuff, and there's alot of it, but I did manage to find an alright-ish level from an old map pack I barely got around to completing. For what it is, it's alright. Sure, Knuckles can completely skip his path (which I'm pretty sure is just a...
  6. Seaballer

    Caustic Crater Zone v1.0

    Previously seen at OLDC 2021/2, Caustic Crater Zone returns, fully ported to UDMF and slightly updated to better fit a message board release. Features electric floors, pipes, and a lot of lethal acid water. List of changes from the OLDC version: Skybox and level design slightly updated Emblem...
  7. metalharbor

    Calamity Canyon 1.0

    This is Calamity Canyon, a demo level for my upcoming mod "Sonic and the Gunslinger." It's not a difficult's meant to be Sonic-Adventure-ish with big setpieces. In the full release it will be a Sonic-exclusive level, but you can play it with any character right now. The level is...
  8. dashdahog

    Blasted Plains Zone V1

    So um uhhh once upon a time i wanted to make a map pack but uhh umm hmm err uh i decided to make a few zones a lil diorama area. but the other zones other than this one SUCKED!!!!!!. So i am deciding to upload the most linear thing of all time yay IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED!?!?! So uhh err at the...

    Nu Angel Island Zone - Act 1 1.21

    [TRAILER] Made by the amazing Director Star. You gotta watch this. [NOTES] :!: This level was designed around the Boostmentum mod by Star - please install it for the intended experience! :!:This looks best in OpenGL but has been updated to work better in Software mode. [DESCRIPTION]...
  10. TheLastKitchenGun

    [Open Assets] [Chaos/match] Polygon Plains Zone still v1

    I finally decided to finish it after it was sitting in my W.I.P maps folder for like, idk a year it's old, not as good as what I could do now
  11. SonicBlitz

    Radical highway

    I'm thinking of making radical highway for srb2.Does anyone want to help me draw and code it?Your free to make it yourself if you feel so.
  12. sphere

    [2.1 port] Seraphic Skylands Zone v3.1

    Mainly developed from 2010 to 2014, winning the first 2.1 OLDC, Seraphic Skylands is the first single player map I've ever released. While a complete remake of this map is in progress, that's currently on the backburner due to my focus on vanilla SRB2 development, so I've decided to make a...
  13. RoyKirbs

    Mission: Proud Sky v1

    Proud Sky Zone was previously seen in this community as a level developed by Plutia back in the 2015 July/August Official Level Design Contest where it scored last place in the division it was in. Truly art such as it was not appreciated in it's day eight years ago. So, I took it upon myself to...