An SRB2 Survey

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My response to how to improve it was a side developed mod to catch the mod breaking glitches that were hardcoded.

If I remember right, the reason why SRB2 up to 1.09.4 was so mod friendly was because in part of Mystic Realm, the side developed mod.
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Bumpity. Results are up, read the OP.

SSNTails said:
Taking Intro to Stats?

Music Learning Theory and Assessment actually. But the survey didn't have to be music related, so I did this.
Well, everyone loves SP/Co-Op and hates Race/Circuit/Time Attack. (I can NEVER get the TA bonus ;_;) I think I can recognise a few anwsers...

Favorite gametype: Chaos

Obviously blahblahbal, he keeps saying he likes the mode.

EDIT: It was glaber whoops.

How could it be improved?
OpenGL olol

Probably Hack or someone else of the SQ team. (I can tell...)
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The one I just cannot comprehend is this one:

SRB2 should have shorter levels that can be passed without having to brake, it is annoying having to stop and jump on a plataform if you´re racing against someone else. Also remove some lag and loadtimes, that really screws game up.
Either this is a troll or somebody really doesn't get the point of SRB2 =P
Well, BlueWarrior's answer is also very easily recognizable :P

Kyasarin/Luminous (more likely Luminous) is also easy to find... No one else would answer with basically "Everything sucks" to the question "How can it be improved?"
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You mean this answer?
'The level design is bland, the characters are insanely unbalanced, and I dislike the music tracks.'
Yeah, that's probably Kyasarin or (Il)luminous.

You know, it's pretty fun playing; 'Guess who posted which answer!' =D
source engine
Chances of that happening: 0.01%

Also, Jazz, would it be okay if I mirrored the PDF? It'd be a direct link and I have no bandwidth cap on the site I use for file hosting.
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