Character System Ruined by STK?

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fawfulfan, I'd have to disagree and point at Sonic as a basic example. Sonic has a high speed and instant acceleration. This makes him pretty borderline overpowered and he doesn't have a flight ability. If we made the limits higher, so you could have higher acceleration than Tails and higher maxspeed than Sonic, even though it would be hard to control, with a little practice you could get used to it, and if you gave such a character an ability that allows him to fly it would be downright absurd.

Difficulty of control is not a drawback. If it was Sonic would be extremely bad in SRB2 and we all know that's not the case. Assume the player can take the time to get the hang of such overpowered things.
There must be some way to add new moves and variables for character skins while keeping overpoweredness to a minimum.

Nope. Give people power, and some WILL abuse it to it's fullest. Chaos Blast Shadow and Super Sonic 3 or whatever crap it was are perfect examples of this; they have a thokitem with an Armageddon blast in it. THAT is OP enough on it's own, but if it had Super Mystic Sonic's Red Spring Disguised as Ugly Ball mixed in there, AND max stats, then DAMN that'd be OP, and I would not be surprised if someone was making that after reading this. We still have thokitem and spinitem, and if they weren't such key tools in creating more specialized characters, I would so ask to get rid of 'em.
I still have no idea why the **** anybody cares if certain people want to make/play as an overpowered character. If that's REALLY how they want to play the game, then I personally see no reason to restrict them.
Not in the mood to dig up an IRC quote right now, but I supported the new character system because it could still be bypassed by a custom exe that added newer abilities and such for character authors. Why no one has done that yet is beyond me.
Yeah, Blue Warrior. To be honest, no matter how customizable we made the character system editing the source is going to be by far and away superior because you can create your own abilities and tricks. Hell, several of JTE's mods did this and it was by far the most interesting part of his EXEs, IMO.

All this applies to is characters that are usable in the basic game, which is why I care if they're fair. If you make your own EXE mod with a bunch of new characters you have full control over how they behave.
True, but that's the only way to get what you REALLY want, because even 1.09.4 was extremely restrictive in what you could do with the system, it was just restrictive in different ways.
And honestly, would it be that difficult for the 20% that does know coding to, say, add ringslinger back as a variable? I would imagine it's just a matter of two or three lines of code.
Exactly. Somebody should do it.

Cue? Matt? JTE? I'm just pulling coders out of my ass here. Someone rise up to the plate already, or at least tell us how to do it.
Having skim-read some of the posts, I stumbled upon the one that reflected my opinion the most.
The one by Neo about the game being changed when you use a certain character.
SRB2 (The core set of levels) are designed with STK in mind. I know this is redundant, but bear with me. And there really lies the problem of the character suckage. The whole game is revolved around them, their abilities, etc. Even the weapon system could be considered like that: A rail can counter a constantly flying Tails, goddam fast rings because the characters themselves are goddam fast. Although this argument falls kinda short since, for example, counter strike has near instant hit bullets, and the characters are slow as mollases, but that's a whole different playstyle. SRB2 is revolved around being fast and fluid. If you strive away from the formula, your character will not be fun in SRB2.

The Doomguy in srb2. That would suck major balls, and I don't think I need explaining this. The opposite applies too. Playing Doom with Sonic would be a borefest. But they basically share the core character structure, stats and all that.
Mario 64 works because the game is designed with his moveset in mind. Alter the moveset, and you'll get obliterated.
SRB2 too, since it has the core mechanics set in stone for STK. Alter that formula, and you're gone. A character slow like the doomguy wouldn't make it out alive against a good patch of crawlas.
Solution? Who says custom characters can't be saved, but my real proposal is, create interesting levels with them in mind, because the mainstream stuff just isn't designed for them. Even the loew jump height of Knux felt a bit last minute slapped into ERZ2 as a way to have a path specifically designed for him. (Please don't shoot me devs, I'm honestly sure this plan was set in motion long ago, but it felt kinda rushed in IMHO.)
Nope. Give people power, and some WILL abuse it to it's fullest. Chaos Blast Shadow and Super Sonic 3 or whatever crap it was are perfect examples of this; they have a thokitem with an Armageddon blast in it. THAT is OP enough on it's own, but if it had Super Mystic Sonic's Red Spring Disguised as Ugly Ball mixed in there, AND max stats, then DAMN that'd be OP, and I would not be surprised if someone was making that after reading this. We still have thokitem and spinitem, and if they weren't such key tools in creating more specialized characters, I would so ask to get rid of 'em.
I'm sorry D00D. Do you still have those wads or did you throw them away?
Was it fun? can't be a bore fest if you enjoyed it.
Sonic Doom 2 wasn't Sonic. It was Doom with a few Sonic graphical modifications. It still played like Doom.

Playing as Doom guy in SRB2 would be a complete drag because of how slow he moves. It's a completely different game design.
Was it fun? can't be a bore fest if you enjoyed it.

Yes, actually. Too much keyemmy searching, but the divine shotgun reloading powers and almost EVERYONE sounding like grounder made up for it.

I'm sorry D00D. Do you still have those wads or did you throw them away?


Do you SERIOUSLY want this wad? Also, it makes SMS sounds, to make it WORSE, and also uses the red-spring-in-the-thokitem thing, as I soon gathered. It's the most OP thing I've experienced in 2.0.
Levels are designed around Sonic because he is the most basic character. If Sonic can beat the level, any character can. Tails and Knux allow you to more easily get through certain gimmicks (or in some cases, completely skip them), as well as give you access to secret areas that Sonic can't get to.

It's not a matter of difficulty. It's a matter of pacing. In most all levels, choosing Knux or Tails makes the game simply less fun because, even in gimmick-heavy levels, the pace slows down. Underwater levels are even more guilty of this because Sonic can thok through the water at normal speeds but Tails and Knux are forced to walk.
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