• Do not use Works in Progress as a way of avoiding the releases system! Works in Progress can be used for sharing early betas and for getting suggestions for improvement. Releases of finished content are not allowed in this forum! If you would like to submit a finished addon, click here for instructions on how to do so.

Chronicles' GHZ - Stage, Models, etc WIP thread

Update 47
Quick update - Tinkered some more in blender, and i think i got a base for the palm tree. In this version i wanted to be completely accurate to the og sprite.
I kept looking throught the references and i ended up making 2 versions.


My new model attempt that goes straight up:

And a bent version:

Making sure both versions are accurate to the sprite


Which one do you like more?
Thank you for reading!
maybe you can have a mix of A and B around the map for variety some are bent and some are straight so it feels a little more natural.
Update 47
Quick update - Tinkered some more in blender, and i think i got a base for the palm tree. In this version i wanted to be completely accurate to the og sprite.
I kept looking throught the references and i ended up making 2 versions.

View attachment 99493

My new model attempt that goes straight up:
View attachment 99494

And a bent version:
View attachment 99495

Making sure both versions are accurate to the sprite

View attachment 99496

Which one do you like more?
Thank you for reading!
Update 47
Quick update - Tinkered some more in blender, and i think i got a base for the palm tree. In this version i wanted to be completely accurate to the og sprite.
I kept looking throught the references and i ended up making 2 versions.

View attachment 99493

My new model attempt that goes straight up:
View attachment 99494

And a bent version:
View attachment 99495

Making sure both versions are accurate to the sprite

View attachment 99496

Which one do you like more?
Thank you for reading!
I think a balance of both scattered throughout the map would work.

Unless the map can only handle one type of tree, in which case I'd prefer B, I suppose?
started 2 years ago, and STILL NOT FINISHED?
SRB2 mapping projects tend to be done as a hobby, and as such you will only see notable progress when the dev. has an abundance of spare time (which can be hard to obtain for many).

The thing to note, everyone posting in the WIP are Sonic fans working on content for free, so there is technically no obligation to release anything shown. Consider it a nice treat when projects end up seeing the finish line and are posted to Addons & More. Patience is a virtue.
started 2 years ago, and STILL NOT FINISHED?
1. Stuff takes time + Some people have things to do other than stare at their screen all day.

2. As Ace Dragon said, The W.I.P. thread is someone working for free with no actual rush, deadline, or even obligation to finish/release at all. chill out.

3. The all caps really doesn't help your side of the non-existant argument look any more appealing and makes you look more childish as a result.

My point is: chill. Be patient. At least feel happy you can see the behind-the-scenes to an extent, and behave yourself.
started 2 years ago, and STILL NOT FINISHED?
My apologies for the long wait. I understand the frustration of waiting long periods of time for my favorite projects to come out.

Some maps take a few weeks, some maps took over 3 years. It all depends on so many factors. While the tread is 2y old, 1 year of it i made actual progress.

I'm juggling irl with all the different srb2 projects i'm on. I'm not a full-time dev. The reason that the first year had lots of progress was because i had spent most of my free time on this project. The second year had little to no progress because of school work and very little amounts of free time to work on this.

I made this thread to be as transparant as possible with the mod. Every idea, concept, etc i have for this gets documented in the thread whenever i can. This doesn't mean that it'll be like that in the finished version. The mod has evolved many times, some things got deleted, changed, redone or upgraded because i want it to look the best i can.

For example: You can read through the thread and see that the layout of chronicles was already finished by the first post. Pages later, it shows how it evolved from only srb2 assets to only custom ones.

I started to update recently again with very small stuff - a model, and i intend to keep going step by step. Rest assured that however long it takes, i will not abandon this project. I will update whenever possible, and release stuff when appropriate.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
My apologies for the long wait. I understand the frustration of waiting long periods of time for my favorite projects to come out.

Some maps take a few weeks, some maps took over 3 years. It all depends on so many factors. While the tread is 2y old, 1 year of it i made actual progress.

I'm juggling irl with all the different srb2 projects i'm on. I'm not a full-time dev. The reason that the first year had lots of progress was because i had spent most of my free time on this project. The second year had little to no progress because of school work and very little amounts of free time to work on this.

I made this thread to be as transparant as possible with the mod. Every idea, concept, etc i have for this gets documented in the thread whenever i can. This doesn't mean that it'll be like that in the finished version. The mod has evolved many times, some things got deleted, changed, redone or upgraded because i want it to look the best i can.

For example: You can read through the thread and see that the layout of chronicles was already finished by the first post. Pages later, it shows how it evolved from only srb2 assets to only custom ones.

I started to update recently again with very small stuff - a model, and i intend to keep going step by step. Rest assured that however long it takes, i will not abandon this project. I will update whenever possible, and release stuff when appropriate.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Gonna wait as long as it takes for this mod to be made
It'll be okay. Jokes, critiques, commentary,.... are a-ok in my book. I see the comment as an attempt to add some silliness for levity, and comes off to me as a kind of compliment. Everyone is excited, so unexpected things are always fun to see. If it comes out in 2.3, or 2.9,... so be it - i know i will have put my heart and soul in it. In the meantime, i'll keep working on it as best i can. So let's go to the next update:

Update 48
Progress is going smoothly with the palm tree model. I haven't decided whether i want a pixel style or not, so i'm treating the unwrapping of the uv's as if it is going to. (I think i listed the styles in update 46 or something)

I did this with an addon suggested in the srb2 discord, it's a pixel perfect uv addon that's linked through a MortMort video. So far i have wrapped up aligning the leaves of the tree, next up will be the cocunuts. It's surprisingly hard to get it right, but i'm glad it worked out so far. The leaves are mapped out at the top of the uv image in the bottom left corner.


I included some empty space so i could rearrange stuff easily and organise a bit better. I'll keep chipping away at this uv mess, so i can finally try out the colouring afterwards.

Thank you for reading!
Update 49
Today i have some more model progress to show you guys. I've been practicing the pixel style on it, and i've learned some more colour combinitions to soften some transitions. This is a wip, and it is exciting to show the progress i made so far.

The references - from the og game and my first palm tree sprite. Notice in my sprite, the transition on the top side of the leaves from the teal and green is super harsh on the eyes

And the updated model - now it has some basic colours and some shading. Now i gotta keep this up for the rest of the details. Imo the leaves' colour transition is a little softer, but not gone. This is mostly thanks to the extra bluey teals, which frees up the greens. The greens are now used to indicate the shadow underneath. Maybe i can use the harsher greens and grey tones for the bottom side and deep shadows of the trees... i need to experiment with it.

After the pixel style is done, i will try out the 'hd' esque colouring and compare the 2 results for you guys. That way i can apply the style to the rest of the trees. Maybe i can update my sprites after that too...

What do you think of the updated model? In what way(s) can i improve this? Let me know, and i'll try to apply it by next update.
Thank you for reading!
That actually looks incredible, when it's sprited it will look great. Really cool to see someone make a mod based off of Sonic Chronicles of all games, I didn't think I'd ever see a mod based on it.
Update 50

The model is now finished, and it's beautifully low poly! Have a look, and enjoy:


And here is the model in the game. I also tried out the Blenderspritinator by Sparkette for a quick idea for the sprites version. Will use this as a base to update my original sprites down the line.

Looking at the styles again, i think this model has become a mix of the pixel perfect style mixed in with the colour accuracy for srb2. To get the srb2 style (like with the player character models in the screenshots), i think the leaves and the trunk will lose some details in favor of a gradient... might test it later.

What do you think of the finished model? Do you wish me to continue in this style, or would you guys like the srb2 style more? Let me know, and i'll try to apply it by next update. In the meantime i'll keep experimenting.

Thank you for reading!
Update 51
The HD version of the tree has been completed! This version is closer to the vanilla srb2 style, while also keeping a light painterly touch found in chronicles.

Here is a showcase:
SRB2 styled model:

For comparison, have the pixeled version from last update as well:

Here are both trees in the game:

Here are the trees side by side in a test map: left = vanilla srb2, right = pixels

And finally, have a quick mockup for the models in the level:
-pixel version

SRB2 style:
*This is a quick edit from a screenie taken from the trailer by Particle (see update 43)

And with that, i now turn to the community: which style would you like me to continue with for future models in the chronicles level mod? While i would love to do both, doing 1 style already is already enough of a challenge for now. Thing objects to model include (see previous updates): trees, flowers, monitors, chao, mini capsule, enemies, items, etc... Do you guys like the Pixel style more, or rather the vanilla SRB2/ HD style? Please let me know in the comments (or on other socials, i'll take those voices into consideration as well), and i'll work on the community's favorite style.

Thank you for reading!
Update 52

I got lots of responses and feedback on discord, it was a near 50-50 split, but ultimately the HD version got a couple more fans. So i decided to create the mod with this SRB2 esque style in mind, so the models would fit alongside the vanilla models. I will keep in mind that the pixel style was also well-liked, maybe that's for another time/ or another artist. Thank you for letting me know.

In the meantime, i've been working on some models without textures. Please have a look:

Used references from the trailer in 3d and the og game to model the new tree

Added some updates with feedback from the community on discord and completed the set:

A big difference compared to the last model from update 51, is that the leaves now have thin edges, instead of pixelised thick edges. I wanted to create the feeling of lightweight into the leaves, and imo this worked out great. I also kept it close to both the behind-the-scenes video and the og game, which ensures trying a balance between the trunks being a little bent.

I'm happy with this result, and i look forward to texturing them. I learned that placing the surfaces of the models right on the texture takes most of the time, so perhaps i might model all the others trees first. Hmmm... lots to think about. Oh well, onto the next palm tree.

Thank you for reading!
Update 51
The HD version of the tree has been completed! This version is closer to the vanilla srb2 style, while also keeping a light painterly touch found in chronicles.

Here is a showcase:
SRB2 styled model:
View attachment 101135

For comparison, have the pixeled version from last update as well:

View attachment 101136

Here are both trees in the game:

Here are the trees side by side in a test map: left = vanilla srb2, right = pixels
View attachment 101141

And finally, have a quick mockup for the models in the level:
-pixel version
View attachment 101137

SRB2 style:
View attachment 101138*This is a quick edit from a screenie taken from the trailer by Particle (see update 43)

And with that, i now turn to the community: which style would you like me to continue with for future models in the chronicles level mod? While i would love to do both, doing 1 style already is already enough of a challenge for now. Thing objects to model include (see previous updates): trees, flowers, monitors, chao, mini capsule, enemies, items, etc... Do you guys like the Pixel style more, or rather the vanilla SRB2/ HD style? Please let me know in the comments (or on other socials, i'll take those voices into consideration as well), and i'll work on the community's favorite style.

Thank you for reading!
ngl the pixels one look good, you are doing really well!

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