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Custom MD2 thread

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Well, Tails doesn't look half bad! I like that cute smile he's got. Question is, did you fix my issues with sonic I commented 3 days ago?
Alright, I fixed up some textures!

And, as shown in the second picture, I added a little more detail to the eyes.


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Do you think you could make the textures a little more symmetrical? The eyes and pupils are very different sizes.
Is it possible to use the same texture in two different places on a model? Because you may want to do that with Sonic's eyes, like Lach was saying.
He looks a lot better, but maybe you really should use some textures from R for this guy, spefically, the eyes, as they still look kinda strange to me, both the eyes themselves, and the eyelids. Plus, the smirk just looks... Off. I get you wanna use original textures, but they just don't look the best. http://orig06.deviantart.net/19d5/f...igns__read_desc__by_ordomandalore-d7hvnda.png You should do the textures the way Walls Of The Void did it (Which their models are still not out yet, which I hate because they look so cool). Use the R or Jam textures, but try to still have a bit of original textures too. The mouth and eyes, and overall face should be changed to the r/jam textures though. I think they would look a lot better.
It's the unchuckling echidna himself, Knuckles!

Knuckles looks pretty good! I don't have too many problems with him unlike Sonic, except his dreadlocks seems a bit too thick, and close together. It kinda makes the eyes look a bit weird the way they cover part of them, even if the eyes look pretty good. Overall, Knuckles doesn't look that bad! I just hope you've listened to my suggestions for Sonic, because he could still use some work. He reminds me a bit of the Sega Prize Europe Knuckles plush, which isn't the best thing as the way the dreads are made look pretty similar to the model, and it looks strange, at least to me. https://www.models-resource.com/resources/big_icons/8/7939.png Like I said, try to use the official R models as reference for some of these. I hope you can listen to my suggestions. I'd like to see and Amy in the future, because I'd like to see if you can recreate that Jam styled Amy from the credits picture I showed you where she is out of her car, and her whole body is modeled.
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In my opinion, out of the rest of them, this is the best of them. He's looking tougher than leather!
Knuckles looks awesome, and the best one so far. Amy though... UGGGGG... The smile looks a bit too... Smiley. http://images2.fanpop.com/images/photos/7200000/Amy-Rose-Sonic-R-amy-rose-7217691-500-375.jpg Like I suggested multiple times over, you should base the characters on the original models. Amy's eyes are covered too much by the mouth. Also, the mouth should be textured like Sonic, who also needs to have his R textures applied to him. The headband should be textured as well, as if you want that old school R model feel, the headband can't be modeled. When Amy's mouth is modeled, it looks REALLY off compared to Sonic, who already looks really off in his own way. As I've said before "He looks a lot better, but maybe you really should use some textures from R for this guy. The mouth and eyes, and overall face should be changed to the r/jam textures though. I think they would look a lot better." Also, some more comments on other parts of Amy and Sonic you should fix. Firstly, both their hands should be bigger. Like I said, base them on how R did them. Amy's sleeves where her arms come from should also be bigger as well. Secondly, Amy's shoes are curved at the bottom, which shouldn't happen. The textures on them also aren't the most appealing for them, so fix that too. Lastly, both Sonic and Amy's ears look extremely weird. They just seem a bit too small, and look less like ears and more like peach triangles from the front. There should be some blue/pink boarder around the peach in the inside, or front, of the ears like how they should. Overall, you ARE getting better, but still need a lot of work. I hope you can listen and do my suggestions for making the models better.
Amy though... UGGGGG... The smile looks a bit too... Smiley.
*giant block of text*

I said it was BASED off of the R and Jam models, not direct remakes.
I'm sorry if I came off as rude, but I've been having a stressful day.
I'll try to work on it tomorrow.
These are continuing to look really good! And you're improving in leaps and bounds. Nice work.
I should really get some sleep.
But, before I head off to go on a "snooze cruise", I got some updates for you guys!

1: I will be completely redoing Sonic.

2: I have made a head model that most characters will use.
Let me know what you think of it!

And with that, I go to sleep.
Good night.


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