Do you guys think 3D models belong/look good in SRB2?

I like playing with both but I like the sprites more, I rarely play with the Models.

I only play with the Models for example if the sprite is ugly or outdated, and I don't really like this type of sprites but I can also sometimes take the Models just for fun.
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Personally, I prefer the sprites. I was absolutely crazy for models during 2.0, but I've mellowed out on them over the years. Granted, they look better on default settings now; they used to have model interpolation on by default and the only way to turn it off was to use "old" as the value for gr_md2 in the console. Hell, my main reason for playing in OGL at all during 2.1 (drop shadows) is just a thing in 2.2 now through simple circle shadows.
Definitely models, I've always been a fan of low poly aesthetics and also just I'm more a fan of 3D sonic than I am 2D sonic so models feel better to me barring some like the Whisper the Wolf addon where the spritework is just so good I can't justify swapping to the model (that and the model causes slowdown for some reason)
Ive been playing SRB2 for a good bit (Since 2.2.9) and i always tend to use sprites however, recently i started to try out some 3D models and i cant help but think they look a little.... improper..? But what do you guys think?
Models indeed look amazing in the game
I really think it's down to personal preference.

Personally, I really models. From an objective standpoint they make precision platforming and stuff like that feel a lot better, since it's very clear where in 3D space your character is-- a 3D platformer benefits from 3D models, who knew?

But from a subjective standpoint, I think sprites can absolutely look amazing (vanilla sprites in SRB2 all look great) and I always love seeing fantastic spritework, but... I don't know. Something about the tangibility of 3D models just attracts me a whole lot more.

In SRB2, I feel like either low-poly Sega Saturn looking models or even a few well-made higher quality ones (like the Kromos keeps showing off on the Discord server) fit the aesthetic of the game really well. I play with models on 95% of the time.

But regardless, like I said, it's down to personal preference-- I think you should play with whatever you like more on.

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