Emerald Coast

[Open Assets] Emerald Coast 1.0.4

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📀🌻Frutiger Aero enjoyer :3🌻📀
Aquavine submitted a new resource:

Emerald Coast - All I have to do is cruise this coast! - The most accurate Emerald coast remake

Blast through sandy beaches...
View attachment 113074and grown over jungles...
View attachment 113075in this remake of Emerald coast in SRB2!
If you play Emerald coast more than it's healthy, but you don't have accsess to Sonic Adventure, then this addon is perfect for you! In this single map addon you will traverse through both acts of emerald coast in the...​

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See my review for context.
Everything is separated into spoilers to keep things condensed.

(I also just now realized I referred to the other Emerald Coast port as "Emerald Hill" in my review. Just pretend I said Coast instead of Hill.)
Last edited:
Aquavine updated Emerald Coast with a new update entry:

Why is it so rough +Updated version with fixes

Yes, I know, this stage doesen't live to it's name, I should delay it, I even had a chance, this is actually a second version of this submission, the first one got rejected because I didn't knew about the importance of thok barriers, and the judge pointed out to me that the sky was creating the hall of mirrors effect, but there is no turning back now though, due to imperfections I'm changing the name of this addon to be more accurate to the actual state of the stage, I realised that...

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See my review for context.
Everything is separated into spoilers to keep things condensed.

(I also just now realized I referred to the other Emerald Coast port as "Emerald Hill" in my review. Just pretend I said Coast instead of Hill.)
1.I will try to add the roofs someday but not now, mainly because I wasn't thinking ahead of time, and now i'm left with the most dreadful sectors you can imagine, and because I have to learn how to build these.
2.The reason why is, I wanted this stage to be played with more speedy characters, like modern sonic, or alt sonic, sorry that I didn't specify it in the begininng.
3.I will fix it after more major issues.
4.They are being worked on, the update may come out even today.
5.Adventure sonic has more floaty gravity, but added extra booster just in case.
Aquavine updated Emerald Coast with a new update entry:

Optimization update

I recently learned that large amount of sectors can cause lag, so I started merging fof sectors, and fell from 2200 sectors to around 1800, the most of lag/stuttering was in act 1, the reason for it was the bridge section,
the poles and bridge weren't merged, even if they shared a tag, I also optimazed a bit of act 2, mostly merging fence poles. This update was meant to come out yesterday, but at this point this stage is held by duct tape, and all of the sudden a lot of graphical glitches...

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This is a nice map but it to big and the frame drop is crazy
That’s why I recommend playing the map with characters like modern sonic or adventure sonic, first of all both of these characters are extremly fast, and second, I made this remake just so you could play with speed characters comfortably.
And maybe I just need to add more thok barriers to the map, so your computer won’t have to render the whole map at the same time. Or just size down the bits of unused space, which there’s a lot of in this map. Thanks for your opinion on this stage.
That’s why I recommend playing the map with characters like modern sonic or adventure sonic, first of all both of these characters are extremly fast, and second, I made this remake just so you could play with speed characters comfortably.
And maybe I just need to add more thok barriers to the map, so your computer won’t have to render the whole map at the same time. Or just size down the bits of unused space, which there’s a lot of in this map. Thanks for your opinion on this stage.
Oh sorry if I came off rude
Aquavine updated Emerald Coast with a new update entry:

The Final optimization update

This is probably the last optimization update in a while, fixed 9/10 of all lag spikes in the whole stage, the biggest changes were made in act 1, it plays in perfect 60 fps throughout the whole act, but there is a small spike near the mountain entrence before the act 2. And act 2 had a bit of changes too, but unfortunlely there is a a bit bigger lag spike later down the act.

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