GBA Sonic I = Fail

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Pop up? By God, that's amazing. I honestly can't think of how that's possible. Also, heads will roll if they even touch Sonic 2.

Edit: I figured it out. I know why there's slowdown. The Game Boy Advance lacks blast processing. That's right. Blast processing.
Sonic Team would fuck it up somehow.


Shadow Hog said:
Like the video of a 95% version in Spring Yard, with rampant slowdown.

lmao @ you being true.

In all seriousness, you say "the" video. Is there actually one?
Wow, i was actually planning on buying this game!
Oh, well. Let's hope they don't screw up any other classic Sonic game.
Knowing Sonic Team, they will.
I think it's unanimous to say that Sonic Team screwed up, big time.
They just butchered a perfectly good classic that made them so popular.
I'm still thinking about getting Rivals, simply because it's being made by Backbone Entertainment, and not Sonic Team.
Keep in mind Bigboi that while it might be done by a 3rd party, it doesn't mean they have creative control.
I guess, but I particularly like Backbone. They haven't made a bad PSP game yet.

(I think they're a PSP-exclusive developer)
I've tried this Sonic 1 port for the GBA.
What many people say is true, there were many slowdowns and in general the controls felt sluggish.
A bug in Green Hill Zone 3:

And I almost forgot, they've screwed up the musics, too.
With the instruments they've chosen, it seems like you are playing "Sonic 1 in Tibet".
Just my $0.02.
Notice all that useless zeros. Lawl.
it looks quite buggy. oh well i'll still buy the game. it will probally mean marble garden zone's boss part of the level has the same thing as the pic above.







It's just embarrassing. It really is.


The Labyrinth Zone boss doesn't play the boss music, but continues to play the Labyrinth Zone music.

You can beat the Star Light Zone boss just by jumping from the seesaws. In the Genesis version, you had to use the exploding mines to beat Eggman.

When you pause during the Special Stage, the music still plays through.

The special stages seem really rushed. The mishap above is a good example. Also, the special stages jitter while they rotate. When you stay on a "Reverse" block, the rotation keeps on reversing back and forth so long as you're on the block.

A lot of sound effects are missed due to the audio playing too many effects at once. For example, you don't hear the water slide in Labyrinth Zone Act 3 move at all. Also, when you destroy an egg capsule at the end of an Act 3, you'd usually hear a lot of explosions, but in the GBA version, it's totally silent.

The physics are weird and look really ad-libbed. The seesaws in Star Light Zone are a good example. It feels more like you're walking on stairs than on a smooth slope.

Sometimes, wherever you'd get crushed in the Genesis version, you actually get moved off to the side in the GBA version.

The slowdown is embarrassing.

The sprites of the horizontal springs are flipped upside down.

The background in Scrap Brain Zone Act 2 is not animated. In the Genesis version, it is.

The sprites are dithered.

When you die, the music doesn't restart - it just keeps on going.

The game seems really rushed from Star Light Zone on.

The Final Zone music doesn't play at the end of Scrap Brain Zone Act 2. It does in the Genesis version.

The air sound effect underwater (the "ding ding") only plays when you're running out of air.

When you start Final Zone, you don't look like you're springing up from below. You just start standing on the side. In the Genesis version, you start by springing up from below.

The underwater wavy effect that appears in the Sonic 1 JP version doesn't appear in the GBA version.

The Genesis version feels so much more natural. And its music sounds so much better than the GBA one.
The third to last point is not correct: You didn't spring up in the Genesis version.

Also, the spin-dash sprites were dithered in Sonic 2 and 3. However, they were dithered better than they were here.
Ah. I was making an assumption with the point about Final Zone.

But yeah, the dithering with the spindash is pretty bad. Oh, and it exists with the jump sprite too. I'm pretty sure the jump sprite in the Genesis version wasn't dithered.
You people must have a lot of time on y'all hands just to point out the little things in a sonic game.

I don't care about little things in a game. all I care about is Gameplay, Replay Value, and story.
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