Gemma the Tarsier-Cat

Gemma the Tarsier-Cat v3.0.4/BM Support v3.0.1

so basically Gemma instead of working properly, she uses a move similar to gb Pepperman but without the aoe effect on landing, nor the quick fall, and the ground slam is all gb Pepperman has.
RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:

v3 - The Rounder & Nimbler Update

View attachment 99697
While Blake has only just recently about to pick up dev again sooner or later (not now though), Gemma's BattleMod revamp still not being finished, v2.2.11 causing one technical issue that causes the wall to resynch, the BM revamp was so unoptimized that it chugs the framerate even when BM is not loaded, and me slowly losing faith in BM in general and it's community, I've been getting really tired of holding onto this...​

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Some of the image links on the overview page are broken now. However the counterparts on post 1 still work.
RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:

Gemma returns to BattleMod!

View attachment 109055

That's right, Gemma makes her return in BattleMod! However, instead of being embedded into the main addon itself, I decided to make her BM support a separate file that you have to load AFTER the main Gemma file in order for it to work.

Gemma's BM support for v3.0.x has alot of additions and changes to the point I'm too lazy to go into too much detail, I'll just keep it straight with the changelog:
- Tera-riser now has exhaust, which is cooldown-based.

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RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:

v3.0.3/BM Support v3.0.1 - Minor sprite tweaks, Optimizations and BM Adjustments

Hi once again. Here's yet another patch update for everyone.

  • Minor sprite tweaks.
  • Replaced some P_SpawnGhostMobj with P_SpawnMobj along with some small edits to prevent ghost objects from getting stuck in pending removal. (This should reduce lag)

  • Exhaust is reduced more if the earth platform blocks a hit.
  • Ground pound's 2 defense now un-curls if it blocks an attack of 1.
  • You can no longer use double jump if the earth platform...

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RalphJeremy65 updated Gemma the Tarsier-Cat with a new update entry:


- Proper implementation of a certain set of sprites previously unused, meant for a particular level in the KIMOKAWAIII Side B portion of the SUGOI Trilogy port.
If you are new to SUGOI and haven't progressed enough there yet, Reveal at your own risk.
If you are an SRB2 oldbie who has experienced the whole trilogy during the v2.1 days before, read away.

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