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These downloads use the following map IDs: MAPSR, MAPSS.

Hello! This is my first custom track.

The map is based on the Hakurei Shrine of the Touhou Project, with nods to the series thrown in.

Pre-Release Version 6D (Version Identifier prv6d - Released 06/02/2020):

  • Water FOFs
  • Small changes to offroad section after lake
Pre-Release Version 6C (Version Identifier prv6c - Released 11/05/2019):

  • Added a more "realistic" pond in the corner of the map
  • Fixed issue where racers could get stuck between stairs and a wall.
  • Added a more naturally looping track BGM (special thanks to Starman91)
  • Changes in PRV6C update 1 (Released 11/18/2019):
    • Fixed some lakeside segments which were incorrectly tagged as instadeath sectors.
  • Changes in PRV6C update 2 (Released 01/24/2019):
    • Fixed reverse/abusable checkpoint issue.
Pre-Release Version 6B (Version Identifier prv6b - Released 10/05/2019):

  • Merged KR_HakureiShrine and KR_HellkureiShrine into a single PK3
Pre-Release Version 5E (Version Identifier prv5e - Released 10/03/2019):

  • Changed map ID of main track from MAPSH to MAPSR, in order to prevent a conflict with Barkley's Battle and Chase pack
  • Attempted to fix checkpoint issues
  • Added "DO NOT ENTER" signs to in-shrine offroad areas to discourage people from attempting to find another route by going through there.
Pre-Release Version 5D (Version Identifier prv5d - Released 10/02/2019):

  • Reverted PRV6A's changes
  • Fixed crash in Zone Builder
Pre-Release Version 5C (Version Identifier prv5c - Released 08/20/2019):

  • Changes to the front entrance of the shrine.
  • Changes in PRV5C update 1 (Released 08/22/2019):
    • Fixed slope crash
  • Changes in PRV5C update 2 (Released 08/24/2019):
    • Fixed missing sidedef which was leading to invisible walls
Side note: I've been having a lot of problems with Zone Builder just straight up crashing whenever I try to add anything or even enter the visual editor. This is why the update isn't very big.​
Pre-Release Version 5B (Version Identifier prv5b - Released 08/07/2019):

  • Slopes!
  • Previously, MAPSH/Hakurei Shrine was shown in the selection of Battle maps, due to an oversight in the main configuration file. This has been fixed.
  • Added a complex gate FOF at the starting line, which I intended to do at first.
  • Changes in PRV5B update 1 (Released 08/09/2019):
    • Stopgap hotfix for missing audio implemented.
Pre-Release Version 5A (Version Identifier prv5a - Released 07/30/2019):

  • Added some detail to the outside of the track
  • Added another complex gate FOF
  • Modified both existing and new complex FOF gate textures
  • I think I'm forgetting something
  • Changes in PRV5A update 1 (Released 07/31/2019):
    • Changed addon format to PK3
    • Trimmed the music by half, in order to save space (and so that hopefully people can actually use the in-game downloader for HS)
Pre-Release Version 4E (Version Identifier prv4e - Released 07/28/2019):

  • Swapped default indoor arrows with "miko pointing" arrows - outside arrows remain default
  • Created complex gate FOF right before starting line, colored bright red
Pre-Release Version 4D (Version Identifier prv4d - Released 07/27/2019):

  • Converted many of the "sector fences" into proper linedef midtextures
  • Added a fence to the turn after exiting the shrine building to prevent people from skipping it
  • Swapped MC arrows with more reasonable linedef counterparts
  • Changed the boost pads on the final turn up a bit
Pre-Release Version 4C (Version Identifier prv4c - Released 07/25/2019):

  • Added some off-track areas inside shrine building
    • Not intended as shortcuts, but I will add some secrets(?) to these areas later on
  • Added more directive arrows / pointers (two, to be specific)
  • Shrunk donation box, and added its proper texture (replacing a Crash Bandicoot crate placeholder)
Pre-Release Version 4B (Version Identifier prv4b - Released 07/24/2019):

  • Initial public release
Additionally, we have the following HELL track:
Hellkurei Shrine. Hellkurei Shrine (MAPSS) consists of the PRV6A map change that was reverted in the PRV5D update.
Release Version 1C (Version Identifier v1c [prv6d] - Released 06/02/2020):

  • Small changes to track

Release Version 1B (Version Identifier v1b [prv6b] - Released 10/05/2019):

  • Fixed MAPSS being incorrectly unhidden
Release Version 1A (Version Identifier v1a - Released 10/02/2019):

  • Initial public release

Supporters / Co-Authors:


  • kart0006.png
    150.4 KB · Views: 1,455
  • kart0007.png
    126.9 KB · Views: 1,309
  • kart0008.png
    251.6 KB · Views: 1,125
  • KR_HakureiShrine-prv6d.pk3
    1.8 MB · Views: 546
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Day one patch (prv4c) is up. Main additions are a un-placeholder'd donation box and back hallways that are not really shortcuts.
For a first try, this is a decent start you have going there and I'll be looking forward to visual improvements as you get better at using ZB
Here are just a few tips I can think of;


You should avoid using textures too similar (or literally the same, for that matter) for your walls AND floors, especially if the area is surrounded by 2 walls, it makes the turn in this shortcut nearly impossible to see. Even though the ceiling does show it more clearly, players will generally be keeping an eye on the floor for trap items rather than the ceiling.


Chokepoints like these usually end up pretty badly when more players start joining, in my experience. This entire area here can be locked down by a single mine dead centered between the fences.
Moreover, the turn that comes after that fence can just be cut by rolling into the very thin offroad, negating its need entierely. You may went to put a fence in the middle to force players to take the turn, or to extend the offroad enough for it to slow down players without speed items.

3: Speaking of fences;

You don't need to make a sector to create these, instead you should just make a line, and apply a Midtexture to both of its sides, then you check the Peg Midtexture and Solid Midtexture flags, which will snap the texture to the floor and make it solid, creating a fence!

Finally, I think a single bigger booster instead of a bunch of small ones before the finish line would be better, and also that the Midnight Channel arrow signs don't really fit thematically with this map, you may want to just go for one of the arrow midtextures the game has.

This is good work especially for a first map, keep at it and keep playing to get a good feel of what work and what doesn't!
Patch prv4d is up. Changed some things up with Lat's advice, mainly having to do with directives and barriers.
I'm just the type of person that sends updates out regularly and often. Sorry for the inconvenience to those that are downloading each version.

Anyway, I've put up patch prv4e. This is mainly to add a FOF, and change some graphics (again).
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Alright, Pre-Release 5A is now out!! It is named the "Mima Day Version".

I've hidden three things in the map.
Small update out, this consists of the addon now using PK3, and the music has been shortened from a 10 minute file to a 4 minute and 10 second file.
The music for the track seems to be identified as an unsupported audio format, so there is an error highlighting that something is wrong with the track, and there is silence when the race starts.

The audio is still intact when the extension is changed to mp3, though it can be converted to OGG with a proper loop point and shortened to save more space.
The music for the track seems to be identified as an unsupported audio format, so there is an error highlighting that something is wrong with the track, and there is silence when the race starts.

The audio is still intact when the extension is changed to mp3, though it can be converted to OGG with a proper loop point and shortened to save more space.

Huh. I don't get any errors that show up on my MAPSH.WAD working file (maybe that's showing up after the PK3 compression...), but the MUSICDEF lump doesn't show up after the start of the race. Seems to be as a result of the trimming I did in prv5a update 1, because it worked fine previously. Looking into it now...

---------- Post added at 06:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ----------

Hotfix for missing music implemented.
I really like the visual improvements you've made to the map since release! it makes it look more lively, i look forward to you improving it even further, tho i have an issue to report, this black hole can be mistaken for a shortcut route at first but it's just an invisible wall, i made sure to check this bug is there in green resolutions as well and yeah it is
I really like the visual improvements you've made to the map since release! it makes it look more lively, i look forward to you improving it even further, tho i have an issue to report, this black hole can be mistaken for a shortcut route at first but it's just an invisible wall, i made sure to check this bug is there in green resolutions as well and yeah it is
oh, okay. I'll take a look at it, if ZB would just calm down and stop crashing. But I'll see what I can do.

---------- Post added at 04:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:49 PM ----------

It appeared that I had missed a texture on that sidedef, leading to invisible walls. Uploading a fixed version ("Pre-Release 5C - Update 2") now.
MAPSH has been updated to "PRV6A". I had to restart the map due to constant crashing issues. "PRV5C-U2" will remain available (and will remain supported) until feature parity is achieved.

See the following reply. PRV6A has been split off into its own "Jigoku" mapset.
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I had to restart the map due to constant crashing issues.

Well, it turns out that I was wrong. Something with a FOF was causing Zone Builder to bug out and crash. So, I fixed it - the new shrine entrance looks a bit more blocky but it will have to do. I am also keeping the "new and improved layout" (a.k.a. prv6a) as its own "Hellkurei Shrine" map. Enjoy.
Changes in PRV5E:
Moved the map from MAPSH to MAPSR to prevent a conflict with the Battle and Chase/BarkPark pack.
Fixed some checkpoint issues (or attempted to, at least)

Apologies for not putting this all in one future update or PRV5D, but the conflict was a high priority thing, and I only learned about it this afternoon.
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you should have probably put both hakurei and hellkurei in the same pk3
what's more, hellkurei shrine isn't a hell map, when... it should be such from the description you gave?
you can make it a hell map by adding
Hidden = true
in the soc
like this
LevelName = Hellkurei Shrine
SubTitle = Gensou Cup [JIGOKU]
NoZone = true 
NumLaps = 3
TypeOfLevel = Race
Hidden = true
you should have probably put both hakurei and hellkurei in the same pk3
what's more, hellkurei shrine isn't a hell map, when... it should be such from the description you gave?
you can make it a hell map by adding
Hidden = true
in the soc
like this
LevelName = Hellkurei Shrine
SubTitle = Gensou Cup [JIGOKU]
NoZone = true 
NumLaps = 3
TypeOfLevel = Race
Hidden = true

oh. goshdangit I should doublecheck the addon(s) before I upload it. Anyway, I've fixed those issues. Uploading PRV6B now.

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