Invalid How to fix the sigsegv-segment violation error (english version)

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I was playing quietly on a server only until the game suddenly closed and when I reopened it I got this

and hence the game does not open.
Curiously, I went to the master server and the server that I believed appeared and in which I was playing alone and in the number of players this appeared

error 2.png

Well be what please I need you to help me fix it.

this is a translated version of the original post
Here is the link in case you speak Spanish or want
to take a look:como-arreglo-el-error-sigsev-segment-violation
Here is the link in case you speak Spanish or want
to take a look:como-arreglo-el-error-sigsev-segment-violation
That isn't needed, in the message board you have to speak english and only english.
I was playing quietly on a server only until the game suddenly closed and when I reopened it I got this
View attachment 49631
Sigservs are normal in SRB2. You will encounter them a lot when hosting
Curiously, I went to the master server and the server that I believed appeared and in which I was playing alone and in the number of players this appeared

View attachment 49632
This either mean you didn't port forward correctly, or something happened to you're port. If something happened to it, Refresh it or delete and re-port forward.

If I'm correct this should help.
Whenever you get a crash like this, always upload the .rpt file that the game generates. It tells us valuable information about the crash that you won't find in the crash message itself.
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