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my new mod

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Here are a few examples of software mode borking up on your map:


Basically, you've just got too much distance between the one sided linedefs. I haven't looked at the map in WadAuthor, but I assume it's just a big box. If you look at the offical stages, you'll notice that they have places where the level curves and has one-sided linedefs. That serves two purposes: It fixes that renderer problem and it also increases framerate.
i wonder when that error came into existence...

well, i guess i need to get started on zone 2, i'll release it when ive finished all the acts.

hopefully the first act maybe finished by next week, depends how lazy i feel.

still, anyone can help, PM if you want.
That error is part of the software renderer, and never came "into existance". Greenflower 2 was changed a while back to be more detailed, and that's probably where that error came in. It's almost impossible to totally avoid, but it's best to try and keep it to an absolute minimum. There are very few places in Mystic Realm where you'll see it, but I'm sure I missed a few.
It can be fixed by adding a drawdistance to software mode rather then letting it go infinitively because the variables will loop around and start drawing stuff from behind you or whatever, which creates that odd bug. However, this is easier said then done, as I still have absolutely no clue how to enforce such a drawing distance on anything other then sprites, since it only exists for hardware mode. I consider being able to see the sky at the drawdistance to be better then seeing some random garbage a half a foot behind it.
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