This new update is really cool! Good work as usual Ninferno! I do have some small critiques.



I'm assuming removing the fences here was intentional? I've bonked the edge a lot trying to get over the second gap, but it's definitely faster than sticking to the normal route.


I'm not going to judge about the change in tone and music for this level, but I must know why? I thought the old sky with the old music was a fitting aesthetic for a level called Lazy Summit.


The green boost rings are somehow hard to see sometimes against the orange sky. Doesn't help that there's more greenery below them.


This U turn has, and still is super easy to cut in very tight. It makes the outer U turn behind the finish line rather pointless. You don't even need to tree bounce to make taking this turn worth it.



You can hop onto the fence and right into the diagonal springs to cut this whole section using the red spring panels up here.



This set piece is cool but you get shotgunned into a random rock that you can't dodge on reaction if you land in front of it due to the speed you get on landing on the slope.





I think this front slope on the first fountain still has it's slope physics on. You take way more height on it than you do the second way down the stair case. If you shoe into it you bonk the overhang bridge.




The directioning at the very start makes no sense. The arrow points away from the main road, towards a hill with no signage and boosters pointing the opposite way. You might need a custom sign to convey to people where to go here.


Also this wall has no texture.




I don't know if these routes were always meant to be taken with just mini turbos but you can and it gives people a bit of a lead in the beginning of the race.



Not only are these red springs hard to see at the angle of the road you drive on, but I've bonked the side of it a lot since it isn't sloped meaning the wall is technically the further right you take it. It's not all bad though, and it's not like it is a super crucial element this close to the end or anything.
Lazy Summit seems to have severe performance issues in software mode.

Weapons Hangar could use better directioning in a few spots. This particular turn near the start is problematic for multiple reasons: firstly, you have absolutely no visual on the turn until after you've already been launched into it. The spring panels being sloped makes it worse, but I'm pretty sure this would be too hard to see coming even if they weren't.


After you actually enter the turn, you're given very little time to process whatever this is. An arrow is pointing left, but you're actually meant to go around and then right. There's also a patch of useless terrain to the right for some reason. There's way too much open space and too little direction.


There's another blind approach here, but this one is easy to fix. Just add a red arrow pointing right next to the cactus.



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I meant to post about this a few days ago ever since this happened during a netgame. You may already be aware of this, but there's a particular turn on Jade Driftway that let's you cut across a good chunk of the map.
While I don't have the most extensive knowledge when it comes to map making, I think this might have something to do with the linedefs in this particular section.


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Love the trackpack, basically everything in here is great! Just wanted to ask if there's any chance you'll make Hadal Trench Classic available again, even if only as a Hell Map? I like the new one a lot too, but I'd much rather have both than only the one
So I found a rather intriguing but admittedly unintentional shortcut on Mission Street.


Do you think updating the checkpoints can prevent this from occurring?


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I am not sure if this is a bug with this map, or with the game's water physics, but I've never seen anything like this happen outside of this one specific area so I will post it in case you need it.


Note: This was on the LR HD server. The spring isn't what made me ascend, I didn't get the red spring air control nor did it play it's sound. If you want the replay, ask me on discord as soon as you can so it doesn't get buried under newer replays.

This is a bit older, and on the LR TSR server, but its in the same spot and this time is inescapable. I believe the person tried re-spawning and it didn't help them, but it'd be a lot harder for me to dig up this replay. I probably still could though.


This also happened on the same replay as the first image. I'm less inclined to believe this is the map's fault and more thinking its just general kart jank. It is weird though, so while I'm here I might as well post it just in case.
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There's a platform in Weapons Hangar that becomes problematic if you play on normal speed and get shrunk. The platform ends up becoming too steep to clear naturally if you're playing as 1, 2, and heavier 3 speed characters.


(speed 1 weight 7)


(speed 2 weight 1)


(speed 3 weight 9)

You can work around it with a mini-turbo or some other boost, but otherwise you'll bonk the side of the platform and die.


(speed 1 weight 1)
Final Falls is one of the best tracks ever seen in this game. You've done a amazing job with this pack!
I know I played these maps before. But I am trying to redownload them again. How can I download the file? Nevermind I found it ☠️
Sucks there's no way to download the tracks now, I was able to play them and really enjoyed it.....................Nvm it showed up late lol.
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In Hadal Trench Zone, it is possible to wedge yourself into this corner, sometimes in a way where it becomes impossible to escape without force-re-spawning yourself.

It's also not immediately obvious on a blind run that you have to drop into the fissure before the start of Section 3, considering the angle you're likely to approach it coming off the red spring pads and the track inside the fissure not coming into view until you're a good distance across the fissure's edge.

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