Post your Desktop

I've got a new system today:


At least this system has a lower resolution than my desktop monitors ;P
Or not...
Don't judge me. I found this beautiful on my pc and phone.


Ah, Adol Christin...


From the time he left his homeland
at age 16 to the final years of his life,
he surrendered each and every day of his existence
to fate, wandering the world in search
of his next adventure.

Yeah, I've been playing a lot on my PSP in the recent days, a lot of "Ys: The Oath in Felghana" to be acurate. I've got this picture directly from the games galery. He is, if you haven't figured, the main protagonist of the Ys series. He's a swordsman wandering around the world to find his next adventure and be the hero of the day. I like the Ys series, it is a pretty interesting and quite challenging game series. If you like hack'n'slash styled games with a bit of platforming and intense boss battles then this game is for you (released on both PC/Steam and PSP).
Note: It's pronounced [I:s] and not english Y with an s behind it.
I downloaded pixbit and set that as my icon pack, loving it already.
I came upon this beautiful picture of Atris fighting Darth Nihilus in correct resolution. Couldn't resist.

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Do you know the name Adol Christin?
A great background~

Adol's awesome.
I wanna smooch him and Dogi º3º

I need to play the rest of the Ys games soon, so far I'veplayed the TGCD versions of I&II, III and Tonkin House's rendition of Ys IV (Mask of the Sun).
Also need to play more Falcom games. Maybe once I'm done digging through the pre-merger SquareSoft library (i.e. everything up to KH1 + FFX-2).

Glad to hear you're enjoying Oath.

my desktop, now formatted...
my phone has burned for nothing...

Cirno furry <3
I Love Furry
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I found my way out of the box...


It FINALLY happened! My brother bought me a new 24" full HD monitor for passing my driving test on first try! Not only can I connect my PC to it but also connect my various consoles!
Now I've put my old CRT monitor aside and use my old main monitor as the secondary monitor. Also, the task bar still refuses to collapse on the second monitor .-.
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Open the spoiler for specifics
OS: Manjaro Linux
Desktop: XFCE 4.12.0
Screen Resolution: 1360x768
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That wallpaper is so pretty, do you know where you got it from?

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