Post your pics/art here!

TDSunshine said:
I love to graffiti things.


PS: The only reason i put Tails Doll on it is because thats my name.TDsunshine

Put mine in 2 plz?

Stupid quotes of myself.

And jelly is right, but some people should be nicer. *coughmystic*
Guys, we really aren't accepting requests for custom banners...

Can we please get away from that topic now?
I've been playing around with 3DSMax alot lately, and I guess I've come up with a bit of kinda spiffy stuff.


Playing with reflection effects, would probably look better if the city had more variety. Also please ignore the buildings phazing through each other in the background.


The same city, with the reflectyness turned way down, and mysterious streaks added.


And of course, my shitty Marisa model using Master Spark.
Just to clarify, I didn't just make a sexy hentai character for the heck of it, she has existed for quite a long time, and I have about 250 Talk In Sprite Comics, from the Middle Ground forums, which I got banned off of, to prove it, here is one such example, but don't get me wrong, I was aiming a tinge on the erotic side, when I thought up the design, but that was a long time ago, and I'm not changing to Eliwood's style, but I appreciate the art.


Doesn't exactly prove my point, but...
Mystic, you meanie, the spazzo one has some effort behind it!
Also, thanks for suggesting my drawings are crappy eliwood, that totally helps my selfesteem, I bet you'd rather have those "TOO SLOW!" ones. :(
I'm underappreciated!
Oh, and regarding people posting their logos... I once brought up the idea within the staff to release my fixed SRB2 MESSAGEBOARD logo so that you guys could make your own logos, and have a topic for it and such...
Needless to say, the idea got nowhere fast.
(BTW, maybe a torgo banner could come someday)

I'll admit though, that the pink cue one was horribly colored, which makes it awful with a transparent background...
I'll admit though, that the pink cue one was horribly colored, which makes it awful with a transparent background...

EH?! It was fine, it just needed to be colored in more. But it was just the art style of it.
Draykon said:
And of course, my **** Marisa model using Master Spark.

Heh, I must say that she looks rather menacing. And interestingly more witch-like than the official design.

SWP (SRB2) said:
Just to clarify, I didn't just make a sexy hentai character for the heck of it, she has existed for quite a long time

You failed to explain why you didn't just make a sexy hentai character for the heck of it.
Some logo work.



Both were based on a pre-existing logo (This one, specifically) which I re-designed from scratch a number of times, the bottom image being my final outcome.

Might put some more stuff up later if I get the chance.
Ok, stop this.
Alex, as much win as that picture was, it's really against what I was saying, so I'll remove it, or just screw the tags so they don't work.
And Tails Doll, stop overusing the Red Font and posting every single Tails Doll related picture you have, please. And a response like that doesn't help much either...

Yes, my fan character. James The Hedgehog, so what if he's a recolor? :/
Okay, time to clarify, I had a fan character before this, and one day, I got carried away, from watching both various Pokemon hacks, and reading some online fan comics, so I completely redesigned her, and then again, and then a third time, and this is the end result, eventually I realized that my new design, was better than my old one, which was much less erotic, so I essentially threw that design out, and have been using this one ever since, and no, I won't go dig up old pictures to prove it, since they're on my old photo bucket account, and I don't remember anything about it, but anyway, that's why the current Stoner Kirynex exists, and why she is, the way she is, because it was just more fun, when I was still a part, of the Middle Ground forums.


Edit: Another homemade poster, and yes, it's homemade.
Thread needs less awful fan character, so here's a Rubik's Cube I drew in mspaint.


It's not the best, but it's also not another fan character, so there you have it. Can we steer this thread more in the direction of original art now?

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