Question about Metal Sonic.

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About the Metal Sonic race and boss, why are Metal Sonic's sprites not the sprites from this wad?:

The ones we have in ERZ3 are very out of place compared to the sprites of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. This one looks very similar to the style of the other characters, so why was this Metal Sonic not used instead?
Don't get me wrong, I do like the sprites of the Metal Sonic boss, but I think these sprites look like they would fit in much better.
That's because that WAD is based off of a few of the Metal Sonic sprites that I did long ago. As Sonic and Tails get updated much like Knuckles did, the current Metal Sonic will probably fit in better.
We *were* using those Metal Sonic sprites originally, but then Blade's set of sprites for him arrived and everyone wanted those instead.
We *were* using those Metal Sonic sprites originally, but then Blade's set of sprites for him arrived and everyone wanted those instead.

Then I also noticed by myself that Knuckles isn't enough SRB2-ish, just like Metal Sonic. We have to choose between detailed characters (Metal Sonic, Knuckles) or old pixalated ones (Sonic and Tails).

This is also the same for the THZ ennemy (The spring-turtles)
Honestly? Siding with our current Metal Sonic and Knuckles. As good as the old sprites are, the detail on these new ones is much crisper.
As long as all the characters are (eventually) consistent, I don't mind. After seeing the newer Sonic and Tails (well, what's been done so far), I'm pretty happy with the newer art.
I like Knuckles and Metal Sonic's look. The original characters are too pixelated(white and colored pixels everywhere) and should be updated.
Is any progress on the new sonic and tails being published?
As for that...
I think that sonic should just have his sprites recolored to look better.
So Tails is the one that the white and gray sprites interfer in quality? I can do something about that, only if you let me do it, its no problem for me.
Sonic's sprites have always looked weird to me, they look off from SSNTails's original concept art. I think they need to be remade, but not radically changed.
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