I've been noticing some serious net consistency irregularities with Silver loaded; I can't confirm 100% that it's him, but it seems to be more prevalent in servers where Silver is loaded, and I think it's possible it may have to do with some aspect of his telekinesis.

I don't know what your future plans are regarding the character, but if it's of any use, here's an analysis of what I've seen from Silver since he's been updated.

Playing with and against him in Battle, I have to say his actual gameplay seems pretty polarizing. Silver as a character is highly resource dependent, and this naturally results him being amazing on some maps, terrible on others; with some decidedly average matchups in some cases, yet completely shutting down other characters. Tails, for instance, is punished simply for existing, since his gameplan revolves around active hitboxes that Silver can exploit. Afterburn from elemental shields are free ammunition in droves. Ironically Fang has one of the better matchups due to his high rate of fire, but this advantage is almost entirely mitigated if Silver brings something to throw before engagement.

One issue that ought to be taken into consideration is that Silver is effectively unapproachable if he is holding an object. The high travel speed of thrown objects and the strong homing property basically makes it so that Silver's primary ranged attack is undodgeable for most characters.

Without the strength of projectiles and monitors readily at hand, Silver is decidely unwieldy as a result of his complex move set, and the addition of the ring ability means there's even more to keep track of when playing. Credit to where it's due, as it can't be disputed that Silver has a high skill ceiling. I believe the intent was to make Silver weak at actual melee, and while to some extent he is, he is also quite mobile, and if he has access to resources then this weakness is largely mitigated.

It's difficult to say what would be necessary to stabilize Silver's strengths and weaknesses, but I think there are a few options.

A) A good starting point would likely be to remove the ability to carry around monitors in Battle and see if this doesn't fix some of the synch issues. Net stability concerns aside, the issue with monitors is that maps come in all shapes and sizes and monitor distributions; a map with many monitors necessarily biases in Silver's favor.

B) The second thing would be to slow down the speed of thrown projectiles and either remove or reduce the strength of their homing property. This nerfs the throw action more generally by making it less reliable and allowing players to dodge with good movement.

C) Lastly, you could consider making it so that thrown projectiles clash with melee attacks and force players into skid animation. This is the route that I have taken with a number of projectiles that certain vanilla characters have access to (Tails' buzzes, Amy's hearts, Fang's popgun corks) and what it effectively does is level out conflicts by forcing Silver's thrown items to follow the rules of melee engagements.

Doing one or a combination of these things would effectively force Silver players to rely more on their core moveset and their ring actions. I would like to commend the action move itself; I think it's well catered to Battle's gameplay and justifies the sheer power Silver's grab has over players by demanding the user to earn it through effective projectile usage. If buffs were at all needed to compensate for thrown items being nerfed in a future update, you could consider tweaking the properties of the action or projectile to encourage Silver to use it more frequently; this would help him leverage more on the same resource everyone else uses in order to assert their dominance.
I agree with Cobalt, as of right now Silver can either be really bad or really good and when he's good he's GOOD I still keep to the mindset that silver's current kit isn't all that bad.

- Throwing Items and people -
I do think that homing on thrown items needs to be reduced or cut entirely. the only characters who can reliably out speed thrown items are Sonic and Metal sonic in full boost. Also the ability to throw people should have some kind of counter play. I appreciate the ability to strafe and use abilities while thrown but for some characters they are left unfairly vulnerable. Amy, Sonic, Knuckles,Tails none of them can do anything if they get picked up. Maybe add some kind of an ability to mash out of a grab? I know in ringslinger you can just simply throw a ring at him with any character but since not every character has access to projectiles its really frustrating to get picked up and just simply be at silver's mercy (They never have any).

- Monitor Misplacing -
I like his ability to move around ring boxes it adds some mischief to his playstyle he can ruin people trying to jump around on the center item box in silver cascade specifically but (And this is speaking as someone with no programming experience) is there a way to make it so that moved item boxes are on some kind of a timer or make it so that upon throwing them into a pit they reset to where they were originally placed? I feel like if something like that is possible people wouldn't complain as badly about him being able to mess around with box placements possibly for the sake of simplicity it's tied to the item respawn timer? just spit balling.

- Psychic Energy -
One last thing as well. I think Silver's Psychic energy depletion should be increased (If mashing isn't added of course) when he's holding someone. I've had a lot of times where someone didn't have a game plan when they grabbed me and got to take me all the way over to a pit or something and I was unable to stop it because I wasn't playing as someone who could act out of being grabbed effectively I think this could also work well as a Battle only detriment for him carrying items and make him more of a character who needs to prepare for engagements properly instead of being able to run in guns blazing smacking everyone who looks in his general direction with item boxes and fire. Other than that he's a blast to play as usual though. This character is one of my favorites to play in 2.2 so far.
Seeing the criticism, I'm deducing the best course of action is for thrown objects to only home in on the object's position when it was first thrown and only damage players who aren't spinning or doing any other action that grants them extra defence, as well as probably making it so they'd only home in onto the object's original position at the moment of the throw rather than continuously follow them. Effectively making them only hit unsuspecting targets

Player grabbing however won't be changed, this is something that has to be earned by a projectile that gives you ample time to run away and reposition yourself even if you've gotten hit (Silver is unable to use Telekinesis for an extra second after throwing it), so at this point, you deserve to take damage.
And even then, you can strafe out of a poorly thought out throw and land safely on the ground.
I'm personally okay with the lethality behind player throws as it stands, and I agree with the reasoning behind. The homing on the thrown projectiles was my biggest concern, and I think clashing with melee could make for some interesting gameplay.
I think the punishment for getting hit by the orb is a bit too... insignificant. Silver can hold you in his grasp for years. It doesn't look right at all for me to just carry someone in my grasp for literally 10 seconds. In maps like Celestial Sanctuary, you just die as a punishment. With mashing out of telekenesis, like I don't know YOSHI'S MOUTH and DIRK'S FREEZE STUN it would make alot more sense. Right now I think the system is SUPER LAZY. I'm not saying Silver should be those other characters, and if you thought that for a second you're actually stupid and just not listening for the sake of not listening. Being absolutely helpless is not really fun at all, he should only be able to carry you for a max of 2 seconds, that's if you decide not to include mashing. Even with the nerfs you listed, I still don't think he'll fit in in Battle whatsoever. The whole reason you can mash out of Yoshi's mouth, and that it doesn't work if you're in spin form, is because he'd be super powerful in maps that have death pits. Telekenesis on players sounds pretty powerful in CP, you can throw them all the way to the other side of a map, OR you can just throw them at a pit. If you didn't aim the psycho throw, it's your fault. You shouldn't list "players can throw them on the grodund so i tsb alanced tho" that's a horrible mindset. Again, it's not that hard to aim, why are you balancing this around the fact they'll miss. It just makes no sense. If you aim badly, it's YOUR OWN FAULT, not Lat's. Do you understand how degenerate throwing people off ledges is?

Oh and by the way, what's the point of the psychic energy meter if you're never gonna run out of it. It never depletes. EVER. I kinda agree with Chris Hedge about everything. About him changing monitor locations, yes that could be used well and be a nice strategic thing, but I think it's a problem, as monitors can be placed in areas that they'll never be found again, that and I don't think a blue monitor in red team's base is balanced. Silver is not made for Battle, it REALLY feels this way.
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The homing projectiles really seem to make Silver absolutely busted on maps with a good supply of Monitors, all he has to do is grab 3 and just beat you senseless with them.

i personally agree with Cobalt, a change could be made where when it clashes with a melee attack it could do something. like knock it back, like a Ghast Fireball in a sense.
Hey there! This is a bug report regarding to Silver and the Fang Boss.

Whenever Silver gets the fang bomb and you toss it = at Fang's last hit (in phase 2) to end the boss fight, the whole game crashes.

This happened when I was in Steven's server and a silver toss it at fang which killed the server and the game, it also happened with SSG3, but when he got the crash, he wasn't able to use his computer since the camera was using the mouse and that the game took his mouse away. I first thought it was a mac only until I did the same glitch again and it happened to me as well. (well it didn't took the mouse but it was still a problem.)

You maybe had the same report with SSG3, but I'm just writing this to inform you about the glitch. (and well Steven send me to you.)
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Just wanted to say how much I love this mod! The sprite work on him is just wonderful; love the way his ears and quills bounce a little when he walks. He's a blast to play, too - using his Psycho Boost to reach crazy places feels cool - like some Knuckles-only areas for extra challenge, especially in Azure Temple! Definitely my favorite character to play in SRB2, awesome job!

Funny aside: I was bringing a monitor over to my co-op partner and accidentally dropped it on them, killing them; whoops XD Didn't know that those would crush other players.
It makes me sad to see how Sega are treating Silver... He's now just a side character, nothing more.
It makes me sad to see how Sega are treating Silver... He's now just a side character, nothing more.

That's how every character that isn't Sonic is being treated, lol

Sega's problem is they don't know what to do with their franchise. So they're sticking with just Sonic being playable, because that's "safe".
That's how every character that isn't Sonic is being treated, lol

Sega's problem is they don't know what to do with their franchise. So they're sticking with just Sonic being playable, because that's "safe".
Exactly... even if the Avatar idea didn't sound too bad on paper but the whole "bring back classic Sonic" wasn't a good one...

SRB2 is basically what I wanted from a 3D Sonic game: several playable characters with their own abilities, all in the same maps and objectives (no treasure hunting or mech gameplay, just pure action stages where you have to go from point A to B with freedom of gameplay). Anyway Silver and Blaze deserved better from Sega, I'm glad those 2 are there in the game.
tfw the update has been ready for 3 days but I keep forgetting to release it:

Version 2.3

  • General:
    • Monitors now respawn at their original location in multiplayer when possible granted that they've been destroyed.

    • Fixed a game freeze involving Fang dying from his own bombs thrown back at him.
    • By extension, this should fix some cases where missiles thrown don't die or continuously die on another object.

    • Regular thrown objects no longer damage players with 1 DEF or more and will knock them back instead.
      • Projectiles thrown back at you will however use their own properties to check whether or not you should be damaged.
    • Thrown objects only home in for 10 tics (About 1/3rd of a second) instead of a full second.
    • Fixed an issue where Silver could grab Tails' buzzes and bully him. That was fun while it lasted.
    • Silver can no longer grab Amy's love hearts.
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Possible Telekinesis Bug

When I was running around having Silver as a partner, and using his telekinesis, it seems like it doesn't seem to like checkpoints at all. Retrying the stage won't do any good, as all movement other than spindashing is disabled.



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I'm not sure if anybody has tried but does silv_addIdleSprite actually work?
I can't seem to get it to work.
2.4 Fixes

Hi, nothing major, just a bugfix update that adresses the last bug report here as well as betters the playing experience for users with the simple controlscheme.

2.4 (23/05/2020)
  • Fixed an oversight where thrown objects would consider any other object as solid on contact and get damaged. Only Solids, Enemies, Shootables and Missiles will count as collision now.
  • Fixed an error in the NiGHTs code which resulted in a warning and drill afterimages not matching the player's roll angle.
  • Fixed the NiGHTs drill sprites being of inconsistent sizes which caused horrible jitter with rotsprite.
  • Simple Mode controls (or lmaogalog) can now use strafe keys to turn while using Psycho Boost. (This is a hack and is not 100% accurate with the actual turn keys)
  • Simple Mode controls (or lmaogalog) will no longer make you activate Psycho Boost backwards if you were holding down to go down before activation.

I'm not sure if anybody has tried but does silv_addIdleSprite actually work?
I can't seem to get it to work.

It definitely should be working. Refer to the template in the changelog/modding information of the release post, especially the part with the ThinkFrame to get stuff to load.
One issue you might want to consider fixing: When Silver throws an opponent in Battle Mode, he gains double the points, likely because the opponent gets 2 hit checks. Bringing this up because my friends have stated in our multiplayer sessions how this is a tad unfair.
Small update.
Silver V2.5 (10/07/2020)
  • Brought back Silver's shield abilities from 2.1! Check the OP for details!
  • Silver config is now automatically generated and updated in luafiles/silverconfig.dat
  • Fixed an issue with score being awarded in BattleMod when it shouldn't have been.
Aaaaand there's a bug found already. I was hosting SRB2 with Silver 2.5, and because of the silverconfig update where it's generated and updated in luafiles, people leave my server after 1 second. This also happened with someone else.

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