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SRB2 Chaos Domain - Version 2.0 - W.I.P

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A littel update. Changed intermsion screen background and I may change the text too.
Also, both of the 2 bosses have been soc'd one of them is still glitchy so I will have to work on it some more though...
An unessaray change that will only be looked over. Please work on more important things than the background of the intermission screen.

Not to mention that color is very tacky.
More important things? Like this? :P
Eggmansion zone: act 1:


Not much is done realy, I just want to know what you think of the textures. The pictures are a bit old, but the level is still the same mostly.
Just about all of your levels add some kind of tacky gimmick, overdo it throughout the course of the level, and make it a pain.
Stronghold Forest has too much "quicksand", Robotropolis has far too many of those bomb enemies, and your lava level has too many crushers.
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For the Robotropolis Zone, add Swatbots. That would add a nice twist--- tall enemies. Maybe 2 HP, like the Crawla Commanders.
Again, everything looks pretty nice.

The intermission screen looks nice, too. Personally I think green would look nicer, but that's just me.
Actualy, that is a old screen of the intermission screen, the new one is a dark grey/black color. Also, a little info on the demo I would release soon. Me and my small dev team have desided on the release date: Dec. 24 2009. So yeah, you all will have to wait a bit longer for the demo. :P

Also, if you guys have been checking the MOD's web site (link is in my sig.) you would have found out that yet another level has been cut from Chaos Domain. Magma Ruins Zone. It was a Zone I had big hopes for, but unfortently I ran out of ideas and lost intress. But I am working on a new Zone that may take it's place...

EDIT: Oh yeah, you can also find the story behind the MOD on the site too!
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...Ok, so I'm a bit early but who cares. :P
This was taken from a 3 hour netgame with a few people who helped me test out the up coming demo. I am posting this to prove that I am actualy TRYING to get the demo out this time. Anyways, release date is still the same, Dec 24 2009.

Oh yeah, this will be most likely be the only version to have a Christmas theme on it.
Seems good from what I saw from that netgame.
I would have been in that pic, but me and CyberKitsune couldn't stay in the game more than 1 minute without a Ckick.

Oh well, here's to hoping we have a good wad around Christmas!
So, aside from the boss using tunes 12 and said boss being super annoying to hit due to him REPEATEDLY GOING OUT OF RANGE AND GETTING STUCK BEHIND TREES, I had a lot of fun with it, and I am looking forward to future developments.


I have decided to remake SPZ2, I have only gottn to the first checkpoint so far. Also, I am gonna take a bit of a break from this once the act is done. I have other projects that need to be worked on and stuff.
How many times do you intend on remaking the levels? At this rate we're gonna end up with seven different versions of the same zone.
^I agree with these two. There really is no point in remaking the levels right now, otherwise the pack will never be released. Don't you think it would be better to release it to us first and then make revisions based on our criticism?
Well guys, you guys could play it in the christmas demo, that version is the same one that I used to use, save with differant textures. But anyways, I have a little update. A idea had been floating around in my mind to try to tweak the look of the eggtraps at the ends of the boss fight to give them a more creative look. So I did so, and this is what I got.


And best of all, they all raise up at the right time! Here is some proof that it works.


so yeah, I have also made the boss less annoying for D00D64 and some other's sanity . :>
The capsule thing is minor at best. As for the boss, it's JUST as annoying as ever because of how A_SkullBash works in reverse...
Well I just dloaded a beta from somewhere and I absolutely LOVED IT. I really enjoyed the custom enemies like this weird bomb guy.
I also liked the scenery that you put in like the one in the boss level.
Also I liked the scenery here too.
I like teh fontz. =P
Well that's all I have to say about this mod so far. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

After a good amount of time I have finaly gotten around to updating the first post. it now contains the list of levels this MOD will use. Also, I have started work on Stronghold Forest act 2, seeing that I am trying to get ready for the first REAL demo. Here is a screenshot of what is planned for SFZ2:

With that said, I'm off!
Yuck, that leaf texture looks disgusting like that. Why not use the JNG leaves? They might look better.
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