[Open Assets] SRB2 - Community Build! - Full color Edition! (PNG)

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  • uh.png
    104.9 KB · Views: 377
Kalaron said:
5. New purple color option for multiplayer

...could someone explain what he means by this? It certainly can't be referring to skin color, purple already being an option for that in Vanilla SRB2. =/
I get the standard Windows crash dialog when I try to run it (Unhandled Win32 Exception Error [4376]). What's going on?
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NOTE: Delfile CAN delete srb2cb.dta and music.dta!

From what remember at the time of SRB2 2.0.6 release, My delfile code was still a WIP, still is; because it could not undo textures and skins added.

To why it still delete the 2 wads, someone forget to update the delfile limit, both in 2.0.6 source code (my bad) and in SRB2CB's

Now here the question, why does SRB2CB have DELFILE code turned on?

Sent from my HTC Vision using Tapatalk
So...you're saying that the new version works on your machines? Then why is it crashing on mine?
Had to reinstall SRB2 but it works now =/ Wonder why it wasn't working before.
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It will not work for me either, I get the same error as FawfulFan. Is it a Windows XP only error? I tried redownloading both SRB2 and SRB2CB.
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I'm getting the same crash as well before it goes to fullscreen on windows 7. I have no idea what's causing it either.
Yes, all you have to do is delete your md2.dat and it will work.
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