SRB2 CONTEST: Calling all texture artists!

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Kaysakado said:
Oh. It's pretty good, except for the artifacts from repaletting, but you can't be blamed for that.
I know. I'll make the whole proccess in the whole texture instead of copy-pasting.
I shall enter:






Here's the stock so far!
Hm... *gets idea* O.O Ok I'm gonna go work on something!

EDIT: I know it's sorta odd looking, but I just started on it. Here it is:
(GFZ Style, and still needs work)
The darker bits look more like they're over the rock, rather than cracks in them. The greyer bits are fine.
That looks like a texture rip to me but edited. It looks too original/unoriginal whichever word :/
Its an edit of the cracked GFZ wall, the dark squares were colored the same as the light ones, which is why the cracks on some of them were darker.
Anyone have tips for drawing tileable wood? I googled it and couldn't find a tutorial, and I completely failed when trying to draw it without instructions.
I just design it pixel by pixel, if it doesn't look good, I scrap it and try again. If it looks decent but doesn't fit, I save the concept and try something else.

The real hard part in my opinion is just coming up with a unique design for the level that will look good, once that is done, its just a matter of manipulating it for best effect. (which can admittedly take a while)
Wooden walls? Objects? A moving platform, similar to the ones in Super Mario 64 that you can ride up and then it travels back down? SRB2 ET?
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