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How would the "kick bots by name" work?

is there going to be a new command called BOTNAMES or something? because that is the only way I think it would work

i think it shoud be 'kick Bots by number' or something or is that going to be included as well?
addbot Sonic Bobby
addbot Tails Slowmo
addbot SMS Lame_Recolour

Or have -name in there as well
addbot Sonic -name Bobby

It'd be fun naming the bots :D
Currently, bots take the name of their skin. Bots with the same skin have the same name. You can also kick them by player number, but then you might kick a player. :?

Also, while I've fixed the splitscreen player turning into a bot, it appears from my online testing that I can place other players into the body of a bot (the bot AI still in complete control) simply by adding a bot before they join... Hehe... Fun... :twisted:

your full of surprises JTE...

So wait, by placing the players in the body of a bot, will they still have some control over the bot, Mobility wise? With Jumping and running and shooting rings?

Or will the player just be in the bot and have no control what-so-ever? they'll just see the bot running around, right?

Also, like in the previous srb2JTE versions i seen... when you add 2 bots and you try to change thier color, it changes thier color, but all the bots are that color

i think it should be like something cueball said but with a color variable if possible:
addbot sonic -name bobby -color dark blue
Flame_the_hedgehog said:
So wait, by placing the players in the body of a bot, will they still have some control over the bot, Mobility wise? With Jumping and running and shooting rings?

Or will the player just be in the bot and have no control what-so-ever? they'll just see the bot running around, right?
Jason the Echidna said:
(the bot AI still in complete control)
It was not intentional.

Flame_the_hedgehog said:
i think it should be like something cueball said but with a color variable if possible:
addbot sonic -name bobby -color dark blue
That's nice. Glad to know you do, in fact, "think" sometimes. Not much, apparently. Why do you need to name bots or have your bots each be different colors, again? It's not as easy to add new console commands and perameters as it is to make a post saying I won't do so, you know. If you use "botcolor 0" they use their default colors. The reason botcolor was originally made was so you could tell who owns them. I assume botcolor will be used in the future to differentiate between bots and humans. What more do you need?
Jason the Echidna said:
Flame_the_hedgehog said:
So wait, by placing the players in the body of a bot, will they still have some control over the bot, Mobility wise? With Jumping and running and shooting rings?

Or will the player just be in the bot and have no control what-so-ever? they'll just see the bot running around, right?
Jason the Echidna said:
(the bot AI still in complete control)
It was not intentional.

Flame_the_hedgehog said:
i think it should be like something cueball said but with a color variable if possible:
addbot sonic -name bobby -color dark blue
That's nice. Glad to know you do, in fact, "think" sometimes. Not much, apparently. Why do you need to name bots or have your bots each be different colors, again? It's not as easy to add new console commands and perameters as it is to make a post saying I won't do so, you know. If you use "botcolor 0" they use their default colors. The reason botcolor was originally made was so you could tell who owns them. I assume botcolor will be used in the future to differentiate between bots and humans. What more do you need?

A big arrow above bots that take up half the screen!

Oh, and the update :3
Jason the Echidna said:
That's nice. Glad to know you do, in fact, "think" sometimes. Not much, apparently. Why do you need to name bots or have your bots each be different colors, again?

I can't think of an instance for names, but you're likely going to need colors for team match, if you decide to do that. I suppose you could just change the skins, making their default colors change automatically, or you could just make it character vs character, but that'd make for some one-sided matches against Sonics.
Or you could have people add bots for their own damn team. :?
Unfortunately, netplay testing has hit a snag: When netgaming on SRB2JTE, it lags horribly for no apparent reason and then freezes. When netgaming on SRB2 1.09.4, I find myself connected to the game, but never actually in it, left staring at a lonely console with my name set to "Player 1"...

Without being able to netgame even in normal 1.09.4, how am I to know that any of this works at all in netgames? I've put a lot of effort into it already, completely rewriting it, you know...
JTE, is it possible to Fix the amout of lag you get in stages and also to keep it from freezing as well?

Also... from your previous posts... i read that: if you add a bot before someone joins, they will be inside the bot and have no control what so ever...
How would CTF work if you added a bot before someone joined? it would mainly just be battling a Bot... but would you also still be able to change teams while IN the bot?
I don't think you are suppose to request for that version anymore. I think admins will get very mad at you? :?
1. there is no reason why anyone should want the 1.09.2 version since it was borked in the first place...
Just wait for the 1.09.4 version to be finished...


3. This is all somehow FF's fault...
I dunno how, but it is.. somewhere, someway...
light dasher said:
cueball61 said:
Seanic said:
or let someone else test it for you.

*raises hand high in the air*
*raises hand even higher*
i like testing

I would like to test this too
im Somewhat good at finding Bugs in mods like this...

Like in the DMSC EXE... i was able to find a total of 9 bugs of the EXE that SSN compiled a while ago (from the last update of SSB:SS on the SVN)
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