
I have a suggestion for nospinjump.
Make the spin button force you into a crouch if you have multiability/nospinjump on. That way it is actually possible to beat most of the levels.

Great suggestion!

*goes to put that as a variable for "spin" for his system proposal.*
So there's this one thing about SOCs that's been bothering me a bit... if you wanted an object that would do an action 3 times in a row before disappearing, you'd have to create frames for each loop. I recently had an idea, though, that might be good to counteract this...

Drains an amount of health by an amount determined by Var1. Var2, if set, would determine if this action sends the object into its PainState. If at any time this action drains the health to 0 or less, the object is immediately sent into its DeathState.

This would allow for something that does the same action several times in a row without having to set individual frames for each loop, and if you wanted it to do it a few more times, all you would have to do is increase the object's health.

Possible example: a turret for a base, that when activated, would help defend the base for a short time, but with the catch that it could only be used 3 times. This soc action would reduce the amount of frames and objects needed.
New ability: Bounce jump
Similar to the water shield ability in Sonic 3 and Knuckles, when the jump button is pressed a second time, the play bounces, going higher than before. Of course, there would be a limit to how many times a character could bounce. I would say at the least, 3, and at the most, 5.

I actually thought of that. However, I was also thinking of that being a secondary ability. You know, the whole "ability2" thing is retarded right now IMO. All it is is defining if you can spin in the air and ground or if you can't spin at all and can use your ability multiple times. Well, how about a whole set of different abilities for ability2?

0 = no secondary ability.
1 = bounce jump, as defined in the above quote. Activated by pressing spindash in the air.
2 = light dash, the old 1.09.4 lightdash that was in SA mode, however I assume it can be made less cheap by cutting momentum when the light dash is finished. In fact, that's how it was in Sonic Adventure in the first place. :|
3 = teleport dash, similar to JTE's Amy Dash, maybe. If you're in the air and you press the spin button, you dash in the air quickly for a second. Maybe backpedaling can be included too? (Probably wouldn't work if you have Thok or Homing as an ability... dunno)
4 = multiability, sacrifices spinning on the GROUND for having your main ability used more than once.

Any other new abilities could be added there. Also, to have Sonic no longer underpowered compared to Tails and Knuckles, why not have him hace the bounce jump as his second ability?

Also, sspinitem and sthokitem, variables for super spinitem/thokitem. Useful for those who have specialized spinitems and/or thokitems and would like them to be a different color (or thing alltogether if it preforms actions) when super (like maybe the default spin/thokitem so it actually turns YELLOW. :P)


For a new gametype I think the juggernaut from HALO is a good idea (sadly I don't own an X-box or I would be playing it instead of doing this). One person Is super And starts with 50 rings. (chosen randomly or the winner of the last game) The people work to destroy and kill the juggernaut or get him/her out of super form. Who ever does this will get a +50 ring bonus and become super and the new juggernaut. The game is won by points. Hits (50pts or 100pts for a kill) and becoming the juggernaut Should give you 250 or 500 points (I would do 500 because you cant get points hitting a super). There should also be and option to have the people that arn't the juggernaut be on a team so they cant hit each other or to have them not on a team and able to get hit points from each other. If the second option is so, the players will still probably try to get the juggernaugt first.

That.. actually seems like a cool idea. I can imagine a gametype like that. I mean, it's better to have a superpowerful thing as the juggernaut instead of an invisible gunman with a grenade launcher :P (plus it puts a limit as to how long the juggernaut is the juggernaut)
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Try and make the "point" crosshair MORE noticeable. Maybe a little bigger too. Like D00D64 said once earlier, I can't hardly catch up with it even though I find it the best one.
What if Srb2 used a client like Kaillera to enable anyone to host a game?

Except, since we have the MS and #Srb2fun
Kaillera would be pointless.

How about a quick check when you switch the advertisement on it checks if your port are forward.

Again kinda pointless, But it is nice to know when my ports go magically unforward.
make ghostspinitem = 2, which is the same as ghostspinitem = 1 except it CAN preform actions, meaning it's transparent and fades out as the trail continues. :P
We should save some way to differentiate between a tag server and a hide and seek server. I think it would probably be better to make them different gametypes since some maps might work well in hide and seek, but not for tag. Have the prefex be H, since no one makes chaos maps anymore. If you really still care about that, then make it S.

If we keep the current way of having a survival tag and hide and seek tag, have it so that the player can differentiate which servers are survival and which are H&S.
My idea for the S_SKIN1
Points you start out with: 250
ability = 25 points: slowfall, double jump, Glide. 50 points: Thok, Walljump, SSonic float. 75 points: Fly, glide and climb, Homing Attack.

ability2 = 25 points: Crouch and nojumpspin 50 points: Spindash and nojumpspin, or jumpspin and crouch. 75 points: jumpspin and spindash

normalspeed = 0 points: Slowest (Tails), 5 points: Slow, 10 points: Medium (Knuckles), 20 points: Fast, 25 points: Fastest (Sonic)

thrustfactor = Same as NormalSpeed

accelstart = Same as NormalSpeed

acceleration = Same as NormalSpeed, except reversed (Tails is most costly, Sonic costs 0 points)

jumpheight = 0 points = Lowest (Knuckles), 10 points = Medium (between Knuckles and Sonic/Tails), 25 points =Highest (Sonic/Tails)

Tails = 200

Sonic = 225

Knuckles = 200

Everything else costs 0 points, no matter what.

This prevents super overpowered Fancharacters.
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I have a suggestion for nospinjump.
Make the spin button force you into a crouch if you have multiability/nospinjump on. That way it is actually possible to beat most of the levels.
I agree with this, but I just have to say it IS possible to complete ALL MAIN 1P/coop levels without a spindash. You can't get all the tokens, but you sure can get at least 7.
but I just have to say it IS possible to complete ALL MAIN 1P/coop levels without a spindash.

Actually not really. If you don't have spindash, you can't get past Eggrock Zone 1 unless you have Sonic's speed, a specialized ability that shoots you up, Tails' flight, or Glide and Climb. There REALLY has to be an alternate route for characters who can't spin and don't have those abilities. :|
There REALLY has to be an alternate route for characters who can't spin and don't have those abilities. :|
No, there shouldn't. The official levels are supposed to be played as Sonic, Tails or Knuckles. I doubt there is enough space in ERZ1 to include alternate paths for every ability, especially considering they couldn't even be used without modifying the game.
I wanna suggest something

1. Respawning bustable blocks.
2. Customisable Respawn time of crumbling blocks (and if possible bustable blocks).
3. Color Black (black player color).
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My idea for the S_SKIN1
Points you start out with: 250
ability = 25 points: slowfall, double jump, Glide. 50 points: Thok, Walljump, SSonic float. 75 points: Fly, glide and climb, Homing Attack.

ability2 = 25 points: Crouch and nojumpspin 50 points: Spindash and nojumpspin, or jumpspin and crouch. 75 points: jumpspin and spindash

normalspeed = 0 points: Slowest (Tails), 5 points: Slow, 10 points: Medium (Knuckles), 20 points: Fast, 25 points: Fastest (Sonic)

thrustfactor = Same as NormalSpeed

accelstart = Same as NormalSpeed

acceleration = Same as NormalSpeed, except reversed (Tails is most costly, Sonic costs 0 points)

jumpheight = 0 points = Lowest (Knuckles), 10 points = Medium (between Knuckles and Sonic/Tails), 25 points =Highest (Sonic/Tails)

Tails = 200

Sonic = 225

Knuckles = 200

Everything else costs 0 points, no matter what.

This prevents super overpowered Fancharacters.

S_SKIN1 uses a points system?

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