
Technically the "numbered" slots aren't gone, but just not supported in general as much anymore. Nor are the old names for Object/State etc stuff gone either.
Rail ring should not apply increased knockback. Bomb ring knockback should be softened a bit.
Hey, Ultimate is cool, but do you think we could get sort of an inbetween difficulty? Like, no rings or ring monitors in any level, but you still have lives and the ring monitors are replaced with basic shields?

I want to play a hard mode that's halfway reasonable.
What about having a no lives, rings but a force shield at the start and it stays with you as you move through each stage, you'll only have 3 hits instead of one for Ultimate mode
What about having a no lives, rings but a force shield at the start and it stays with you as you move through each stage, you'll only have 3 hits instead of one for Ultimate mode
Yah That's a good idea, But Ultimate mode is good as it is , i don't think it's good to have a Force Shield at the Start, but an Elemental Shield would be better ... !!
Hey, Ultimate is cool, but do you think we could get sort of an inbetween difficulty? Like, no rings or ring monitors in any level, but you still have lives and the ring monitors are replaced with basic shields?

I want to play a hard mode that's halfway reasonable.
I had a idea on how to add the old difficulties back:
Different maps ! You select the difficulty mode and then get to that map.(This would take some time to make and doesn't work well with level updates, it's more of a mod idea than a suggestion).

Yah That's a good idea, But Ultimate mode is good as it is , i don't think it's good to have a Force Shield at the Start, but an Elemental Shield would be better ... !!
The point of the Force Shield is to have 3 hits. Elemental Shield allows you a lot of shortcuts.
One thing I'd love to see (at least in OpenGL) would be .smd support for models.
Like, if in md2.dat, I type "Sonic ClassicSonic.smd 2 0", then if the file "MD2/ClassicSonic.smd" exists, that will be loaded, similarly to .md2, just as a static model.

But... if the file "MD2/ClassicSonic_anim.smd" or "MD2/ClassicSonic.ani" or something exists, being of an animation .smd format, that will be loaded as skeletal animation (like vertex animation for .md2 models) for "MD2/ClassicSonic.smd", since the .smd format supports bones.
.smd is a fairly "simple" format, after all. Yes, I'm talking about the one VALVe uses to compile models for the Source Engine with. Well, used to, until they hopped over to the .dmx format, which would be too complicated to implement successfully without too much hassle.

Another thing I'd love to see is, if we say I have "Sonic ClassicSonic.md2 2 0" in my md2.dat, then if the texture MD2/ClassicSonic.png exists, it will also check for other colours, like ClassicSonic_Red.png, ClassicSonic_Neon_Green.png, etcetera. As in, [modelname]_[colour].png. If a colour can't be found, it will use [modelname].png instead.
That would always leave 1 coloured png unnecessary, since for Sonic, [modelname].png would probably be blue, so [modelname]_Blue.png wouldn't be necessary for that model (but still loaded if it would exist).

This way, one can actually have coloured models that work without a whole character wad made with the model texture as all frames.
If this colour-support for models would be added, I'd definitely start using models for a lot of things.

Oh, and for super characters, it would be [modelname]_Super1.png, Super2, Super3, Super4 and Super5, since those are actually the names of the colours inside r_draw.c. The vanilla Knuckles would have KSuper1 to 5, of course, since those are what he use.
Double size all Mario Koopa Blast textures.


It won't solve the moiré effect issues in Pipe Towers Zone, but it should at least help.
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How about a scale flats/textures linedef type?

e.g., a linedef type you throw on a control sector that uses, say, x-length/64 for texture/flat x-scale and y-length/64 for y-scale. Give the linedef a tag, and then give all sectors/lines you want to have the scale act upon the same flag (is it even possible to tag two linedefs together?). This could easily eliminate the need for multiple resizes of every texture and could also hypothetically allow for "HD" levels or other neat special effects. Considering we can arbitrarily scale sprites now and rotate flats, this doesn't seem like it would be to horrible to implement.
Considering we can arbitrarily scale sprites now and rotate flats, this doesn't seem like it would be to horrible to implement.
Apples and oranges, friend. Even the sprite scaling code was horribly broken as recently as 2.0, and rotating flats is just a basic part of the renderer. After all, it rotates them when you spin the camera around, doesn't it?
So, as I learned from this topic, the old Act Clear screen gets used if the background screenshot of the normal Act Clear screen gets corrupted.

While this has only ever happened to me once, from that topic it looks like it happens a lot more often for other people. So, for the sake of polish (and because the old Act Clear screen is so blatantly different from the normal one), I think a better solution would be to use the level select/Record Attack screenshots for each level as the "backup" background instead.

...Hi-res versions of those screenshots do exist, right?
What would the purpose of recording enemy kills alone as opposed to score be? Score is essentially the same only with chaining and other things involved.
How's about making a "Zombies" mode for badniks? It could work like Call of Duty's Zombie mode, where you survive as long as you can while badniks constantly spawn in trying to hurt you. I thought of this idea because of the chaosmode.soc from 2.0 that if you were stuck in the stage for too long, too many badniks could overflow the stage and kill you easily. Implementing this idea as a survival mode would seem some type of fun, and if everyone dies, the game ends giving out the score results. Basically, It's Chaos Mode with co-op and a survival gameplay.

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