
I'm pretty confident this is not at all the case - at least, when I do graphic work for WADs, Doom or SRB2, and convert away from PNG and into Doom Patch Format, the latter format's always larger.

Honestly, support for PNG textures, even in software mode (albeit there it'd have to be converted to the palette being used, similar to how ZDoom does it), seems like a really good idea. I just have no idea where to even start with that.
I want it, it seems awesome. But im still sure you couldn't port it from CB...
Actually, you likely could.
Is there any chance that the THZ2 pushers segment could be expanded on or reused? You introduce the player to it, force him to complete it but give no penalty for failure, and then it's gone for the rest of the campaign. A waste of a good gimmick, really.
I'm not seeing a death pit down there.Also, maybe you could make the tiny platforms next to the horizontals pushers more obvious to see because I didn't see them the first time I played, change their texture to CEIL3_1 or something other to proof that they exist.
Is there any chance that the THZ2 pushers segment could be expanded on or reused? You introduce the player to it, force him to complete it but give no penalty for failure, and then it's gone for the rest of the campaign. A waste of a good gimmick, really.
I assume you the sideways pushers near the beginning. They show up in ERZ2 again.
I assume you the sideways pushers near the beginning. They show up in ERZ2 again.
No, not really, they don't... The ones in THZ2 are literally pushers in that they just push you out from the platform you're standing on; the ones in ERZ2 are just sideways crushers which are sideways for the novelty of having crushers that are sideways. And that's fine, but it's not really the same gimmick, even if the technical implementation is the same.
The question that were asked is improve the huge and ugly slime lake where the pushers send you to, it's true it could have some bonuses in it, such as an extra life or something like this.
No, not really, they don't... The ones in THZ2 are literally pushers in that they just push you out from the platform you're standing on; the ones in ERZ2 are just sideways crushers which are sideways for the novelty of having crushers that are sideways. And that's fine, but it's not really the same gimmick, even if the technical implementation is the same.
Eh. Both are sideways pushers, the ones in ERZ2 just push you against a wall instead of off a platform. I consider that the same gimmick, just applied differently. Either way, I don't see much potential for variation with this gimmick, and I honestly think it's fine as a one-off thing. Not every idea has to be elaborated upon.
I don't have a problem with it being a one-off as much as I do with the room being effectively pointless. There's no danger. There's no sidepath down to an easier route. A room with that kind of design should be leading up to something, and it never does.
You should allow music changes for only one player in certain circumstances. S_ChangeMusic() is what I mean. If used on multiplayer it glitches out for everyone but the person with the actual power. Like, with the MusicChange.wad based on Sonic Megamix. That glitches in multiplayer, and ruins things for everyone if one person gets a monitor. (Unless you're the person getting the monitor of course) There should be a way around this, if possible.
I still want a linedef type for altering music volume so we can do fade outs and keep in-stage ambience from getting drowned out. And what about separating the underwater wave effect from water blocks for use in custom FOFs? Plenty of alternate applications for that (heat waves). (EDIT: oh)
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Idea to buff Facestabber a tiny bit: Make him invincible from the front while he is doing his stabbing. If he hits the player while the player is spinning, then the player would be bounced back. It would be a good complement to the Egg Guard mechanics, make the Facestabber a bit more threatening near ledges, and just give him a bit more bite to his bark in general. The one thing I'd be afraid of is that it would become too similar to the Egg Guard.
If he hits the player while the player is spinning, then the player would be bounced back.

Bounced back? The player should be stabbed. The whole distinguishing element between him and the egg guard is that he actually inflicts damage.
Blue Warrior: Either way, as long as his attack actually does something. He's a sitting duck when he's roaming, and then he stands still for a moment when he gets ready to stab, making him even more vulnerable. And then, he dashes right into the player, who by this point, has almost always either jumped or began to spindash. His only attack, more often than not, results in his own death.
His only attack, more often than not, results in his own death.

Maybe once he attacks he should be much faster and much harder to avoid. Since he's so easy to attack until then, it's the player's own fault if he left the facestabber alone for so long.

Also, after having played through the game as Knuckles, I'm just curious as to whether there's any rhyme or reason as to which walls are no-climb and which ones aren't. Mystic Realm had smooth tiles from AGZ and the metal from SPZ no-climb, but when playing through ERZ2 the only way I knew that I couldn't climb was after I glided into the wall.

I'm not really a big fan of no-climb anyway, but I get that it's probably a necessary evil. At the very least the player should be able to tell that he wouldn't be able to cling to it.
His thrust should just be a damaging hitbox, to encourage the player to time his attacks and not just sit there in spindash.
I must say, why were respawning items disabled in Co-Op again?

Also, we need a "Duel" game type, so people don't try to make a Match server only support 2 people at a time while everyone else watches. :U
I don't see much point in that. It's not like the levels really need an explanation, or the game has story. Or if anyone's willing to do more cut scenes.

I think the only chance we might even get of another cutscene is the very end, but even I have my doubts.

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