Tips for multiplayer ?

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Explosion rings are good for close range attacks, as well as taking out your opponent when you can't get a clear shot. My advice, aim near; not at your opponent with the explosion ring, unless at close range.
Aim : OK, even me, I used it, it is unquestionably the best way: the mouse. I still find it difficult to aim with rail against people who steal or those who are at 3-4 feet away from me. I'm going to train, it will pass.

Decrease your mouse sensitivity. You'll have to move your hand around more, but it'll be much easier to make fine adjustments to your aim. Also, keep centerview somewhere you can use it(I put it on the middle mouse key); by holding it down, you can make shots that are perfectly horizontal, which is often useful.
Ya know, what's the point of Centerview if you can make perfectly horizontal shots yourself? :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, it's for people who still have problems with aiming with a mouse. My bad.
Wow its been so long since I last post something.

Anyway try my setup its helps a lot.

WASD For movement.

Q for spin.

E for flag toss.

Left click for shooting rings.

Right click for jumping.

And the roll button For changing rings up and down.

And pushing down the roller center my aim.

This is by far the best set i use so may you can give it a try and see if it works for you.
Ya know, what's the point of Centerview if you can make perfectly horizontal shots yourself? :P

EDIT: Oh yeah, it's for people who still have problems with aiming with a mouse. My bad.
I don't care how godlike your reflexes and aim are, there is absolutely no way you can make a perfectly horizontal shot on demand 100% of the time, but the computer can do it easily. It's extemely helpful to have the mouselook key set to something so you can look straight forward perfectly.
Except I don't see how much useful a perfectly perfectly horizontal shot can be.

-To use a Rail Ring you gotta automatically aim with your mouse. It's quite the rarity that there's someone in front of you to rail him.
-As for Bomb Rings, they're like rockets; always aim downwards.
-You don't even need to aim perfectly horizontally to use a scatter Ring.
-Grenade Rings are the last things you wanna do to attack people head-on. And because they lob, it doesn't matter whether your aim is perfectly horizontal or not.
-Effective Bounce Rings would require a somewhat perfectly horizontal aim, but you'd still rarely find a good time to use them effectively.
-Automatic Rings again don't need to be perfectly horizontal to shoot a stream of them left and right.
-As for the Normal Rings, I don't see how a perfectly horizontal aim would affect a lot the chances of hitting someone.

So the only rings where it'd matter to have a perfectly horizontal aim would be the Bounce, Automatic and the Normal ones; Not the rings everyone uses a lot.

Also, because most parts of the maps are flat, you don't even need the option in the first place, as your aim is constantly horizontal.
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And that's where you're so very, very wrong. Perfectly horizontal shots will never travel into the floor or too high, so they're helpful in every corridor in the game, with basically every weapon except explosion and grenades. In fact, it's MOST helpful for Rail, as it allows you to remove one variable for your aim entirely at long distance, if you are on flat ground compared to your target. Any time you are a long distance from your target on flat ground (which happens on a rather regular basis in this game), being able to fire straight forward is incredibly helpful. I'd say in a normal round I'm holding down the mouselook key to look straight forward a good half of the time, more so on flatter maps and less so on maps with more vertical variation.
Have you, by any chance, tried to use rail without mouselook? I never had any problem shooting rails from one side of the map to another. As a matter of the fact, shooting rails slightly downwards/upwards is the least of things that happens to me.

And keep in mind that this comes from someone that has restarted playing this game only a year later.

[Well true, I took a lot of lessons by playing TF2 for a year, but the closest thing they have to a Rail is the Huntsman, (which I don't even use because of its cheapness, but I disgress) and plus I'm a horrible sniper in the game, so yeah.]
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TF2 is very different in this regard because TF2's maps have sloped ground. In SRB2, there are a lot of situations where players are going to be at the same height you are, and also projectiles fly a lot slower in SRB2 than they do in a lot of other FPSes. Hence, you can do things like fire scatter spam down a long corridor with nobody in it and hope that someone will end up walking into the corridor without knowing you fired a ton of spam down it. This kind of tactic only works if you're firing straight forward, though, otherwise the bullet will end up being ineffective as it wasn't delivered perfectly straight and ended up hitting the ground a few seconds later.

This kind of trick isn't NECESSARY, but it really does quite help as it eliminates one of the variables involved in your aiming, allowing you to only worry about the X-axis. Since you're firing at someone who is on ground level anyways, there's no reason you'd want to fire up or down anyways, so it's a huge help to eliminate the ability to do it. Obviously, when you ARE firing at people who aren't at ground level on flat ground, you let go of the key and treat it just like you would any other FPS, but in situations where it works it can dramatically improve your aim.
Just a final note.
I never said that TF2 is like SRB2. I only said that TF2 made me learn a lot about how to play a FPS: Being strategic and effective.
My controls:

WASD - Strafe
E - Spindash
Q - Toss Flag
Left Mouse - Fire!
Right Mouse - Jump
Mouse - Look around
Mousewheel - Switch Weapons

I use my built-in laptop keyboard and *EXTERNAL USB MOUSE*. Using a Touch Pad is preparing to fail!

For actual gameplay strategy, everyone has their own. My personal strategy is to thok around a stage randomly, as to prevent people from making any hits. My hits may be a bit few but I almost never get hit myself. Perfect for 1-v-1 battles, but not for 4+ players. I tend to use the Rail Ring a lot, attacking instantly instead of waiting to land a hit. However, I don't abandon the other weapons. I tend to use Bomb and Scatter too if I'm going against stronger opponents.

And of course, for the really weak opponents, I just Red Ring 'em. XD

Here's my co-op keyboard layout. As you see, I don't have to change my controls for when I play co-op or match, I just move my hands.

WASD - Strafe (I use strafe in co-op too!)
Z - Spin
X - Jump
Numpad 2, 4, 5, 6 - Walk/Turn (NOTE: My arrow keys are extremely tiny, so these are my replacement.)
O / P - Custom EXEC command to rotate camera around my player 45 degrees.
Actually, considering his/her keyboard is french (or in other words, a AZERTY keyboard), to move forward would be "Z", to move backwards "S", to strafe left "Q" and to strafe right "D".

Yes, I am French, but consider my keyboard as an English keyboard. I can convert.

Indeed, in two days, I have become more powerful than with the mode "WASD + arrows."
So with a little practice, I can be devastating.

Otherwise, I read the wiki on the games matchs, he helped me a lot, thank you.

I jump with the right mouse button, I'm familiar with this ... it'll be better to use the space bar or leave this button?
Waitwut. It depends on what type of gamepad/controller you use. I use a Xbox 360 controller, and I can actually tell that I move around and play just as well as a typical mouse w/ keyboard player. My arrangement of controls are pretty sweet, from my point of view. I mean, of course I can't move my centerview entirely freely like the mouse can, but I pace most of my shots carefully and quickly for a direct hit while moving (rail ring quick-shot).
As for techniques, use monitor bouncing and shoot the opponent from above. A lot of players only think on the horizontal plane.
Holy goodness, this. Not only do most players think on the ground, a lot of people spend half their time holding a special button designed to keep aim flat. (While this doesn't stop them aiming upward, it speaks wonders of their mentality - although there are surely exceptions... and I would mount my forth and fifth mouse buttons to this if I could, tbh)

...this is also why I don't like Sonic.
The only annoying thing about m-look is that because Software mode is funky, when you look up or down the textures get all skewed and stuff.
Use OpenGL. Unless you're playing the single player mode (In third-person, I use first all the time - and believe the view advantage outweighs the render issues), or any poorly-designed wad levels where you can't see what's up *cough hyperduels - although it really just needs polish and some OGL testing goddammit* there's no excuse, as all official match/CTF/race levels render perfectly well with it.

Oh, and IE? I'm not sure if you mentioned - but what character(s) do you use?
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Jump with right-click and spacebar, hmm...yes, why not. There is no problem. I am more familiar with the right click, but the space bar will perhaps be helpful.

... Oh ! Kooper comes into play.

Bouncing monitor ... you're talking about places like bounce off the shield in Lime Forest ?
I do this. From time to time, to quickly jump to the other side of the map.

Oh, and IE? I'm not sure if you mentioned - but what character(s) do you use?

Since I am small, I like Tails. Since I have 13-14 years, I am interested in the strategy. I trained with Knuckles I consider the most strategic.
But ... I want to get used to everybody.

To answer your question, I use Knuckles.
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