Tortured Planet

Tortured Planet v11.6

JonBaxter submitted a new resource:

Tortured Planet - Save an alien planet from Eggman's tyranny!

"I bet you thought it was gone."
View attachment 89540
After Eggman's defeat at the hands of Sonic and his friends at the core of the Black Rock, the villainous doctor fled deep into space to plan his grand come back. What he could never have expected was to find a planet of highly advanced aliens, who proved to be no match for Eggman's resurrected robotic army!

With his robots back in action and still fuming from his...​

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So , im getting major problems going into Liftoff Gantry act 1 (same would apply for act 2) , for some reason , the section where there is a very large zoomtube is causing to my game to crash when i get out of it , since the character is supposed to shrink but it doesnt work as intended on 2.1 , making impossible for me to finish the whole mod , anyone is having this error or do i have to be aware that it is an issue on my end?
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Nevermind , problem solved , it was beacuse custom builds are causing issues on the zone itself , sticking to vainilla fixes the error
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JonBaxter updated Tortured Planet with a new update entry:


Seems like a few issues slipped through the cracks, so let's address them right away.
  • Fixed a few electrified ceilings in an ECZ1 tunnel not being actually electrified at all
  • Fixed the music for Slippery Skirmish, Weightless Whaling and What The Heck zones
    • What the Heck zone now uses the new Spacewalk act 2 theme, as opposed to being dead silent
  • Fixed a weird protrusion in the egg capsule in ECZ3
  • Fixed Wacky Tesseract and Upload Download's NextLevel...

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JonBaxter updated Tortured Planet with a new update entry:

Multiple fixes and a new Blecch Bouncer!

Hoo boy, you guys found a lot of small issues throughout the mod, and a very worrying one in Liftoff Gantry 1. Let's go ahead and address all of that

- The Blecch Bouncer enemy now has all new sprites, courtesy of SonicX8000, the original artist for the enemy!

- Added a zoom tube to AAZ2 to prevent a multiplayer softlock at the flooded library
- Properly aligned SNZ1's rope pulley with the spring under it
- Blecch Bouncer's...

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Found myself stuck at a spinball gap with Amy in Spacewalk Zone 2.

I even enabled devmode and did some no-clipping to see where I went wrong and find the right path, but as far as I can tell, this is the furthest I can get with her.
JonBaxter updated Tortured Planet with a new update entry:

Another big patch!

This is a really long list of fixes, one of them being the infamous Liftoff Gantry SIGSEGV crashes... Sadly, we had to replace all Pointy enemies to Unidus for now. We know that Unidus don't really act like Pointy, but it looks like the crash itself is gonna be fixed in the next SRB2 patch, so we are gonna wait until that rolls out to revert them back. So then, here's the changelog for version 11.3:

- Fixed Bleech Bouncer sprites to use full rotation
- Fixed SSZ2 non-climbable walls...

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I've ran into a problem with FSZ act 1 (Fume Shaft Zone). The problem is emerald token is technically inaccessible for characters to get it due to water damage and gooey physics. I used Pointy Sonic to show location of emerald token.

Nvm there is access. Kinda feel dumb to not look better :dramahog:
Worse fact is I can't delete the message
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It seems that Wacky Tesseract shows up in the SP/Co-op level select, using the latest version too.
It seems that Wacky Tesseract shows up in the SP/Co-op level select, using the latest version too.
this has been reported, and we're looking into fixing that plus other issues that still somehow keep popping up such as some archive bugs that were not present before.
Hopefully next version will be the last one that needs such constant minor patches besides the upcoming 2.2.11 patch
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JonBaxter updated Tortured Planet with a new update entry:

Tokens ahoy!

We heard you, and now it's here: the amount of emerald tokens in Tortured Planet has been doubled! Previously only the first act of every zone had a token, but now every second act also has one, bringing the total token count from 9 to 18. And of course, we squashed plenty of bugs while we were at it too.

Major changes:
- Each zone's second act now has an emerald token of its own! They might be slightly easier to find than the...

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Metal Sonic in the Boss act of Spacewalk Zone does not follow you when gravity gets flipped, making this boss drag for too long as you spend most of the time waiting for gravity to get back to normal just so you can attack him again. it could use an update to make him able to follow you to the upper part of the level so you can actually keep fighting him instead of just standing there waiting for gravity to be flipped again.
Metal Sonic in the Boss act of Spacewalk Zone does not follow you when gravity gets flipped, making this boss drag for too long as you spend most of the time waiting for gravity to get back to normal just so you can attack him again. it could use an update to make him able to follow you to the upper part of the level so you can actually keep fighting him instead of just standing there waiting for gravity to be flipped again.
I've been considering it, but that's something the team would have to agree on unanimously before implementing.
We also had plenty of patches in a very short time span so we'll probably at least wait until SRB2 2.2.11 before releasing more changes unless a progression-halting bug appears.

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