[v1.3] CrossMomentum - A complete gameplay overhaul

[Open Assets] [v1.3] CrossMomentum - A complete gameplay overhaul 1.3.4

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I managed to break this within 5mins of playing somehow. Basically, whenever you do a trick after a spring bounce, and then land, that error message appears and the spin button just doesn't work (Except when going super/hyper) Then the character just... breaks the laws a physics even more than it already has


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I managed to break this within 5mins of playing somehow. Basically, whenever you do a trick after a spring bounce, and then land, that error message appears and the spin button just doesn't work (Except when going super/hyper) Then the character just... breaks the laws a physics even more than it already has
Are you on the latest version (2.2.8)?
I managed to break this within 5mins of playing somehow. Basically, whenever you do a trick after a spring bounce, and then land, that error message appears and the spin button just doesn't work (Except when going super/hyper) Then the character just... breaks the laws a physics even more than it already has

Make sure you are using 2.2.8. What this implies is you are using a version of SRB2 that is from 2.2.5 or earlier, as 2.2.5 or 2.2.6 added a new name for a button constant. If you are using the Web version, it's in 2.2.4, and is outdated. A lot of current mods won't work in 2.2.4.
can you make it so that not everyone has hyper colors?
tails knux and amy (maybe fang) look weird with it
and maybe add some things to super?
Are you on the latest version (2.2.8)?

Ah, thanks, I was on 2.2.6 apparently /_ \

---------- Post added at 07:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:21 PM ----------

K sorry if I'm being annoying but when I download the update file I keep getting the "sdl2.dll not found" error no matter how many times I redownload it, am I doing something wrong or is it something else?

---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:32 PM ----------

K guys it's been an hour but I've finally turned on Big Brain mode™ and got it working, and now I can say that: This mod is a blast! I love it!
Constructive Criticism:
This mod is okay, but I don't see the point of having vanilla sonic, I mean, you got xmomentum for a reason, vanilla sonic just ruins xmomentum. Also, this mod, simply feels like momentum with some more mods, like hyper forms, or reusable content. Something that does stand out is the tricks, I get that momentum had to be added so that the tricks aren't useless, but it still feels like momentum, and not cross momentum. Another thing, what is the point of microwave, I don't see a reason for him. He could be used for taunting or something, but it causes resynch. And maybe remove uncurling? I mean, it's VERY easy to get momentum by just spindashing and uncurling. Also, it breaks some mods, like mine.
Maybe give Sonic a new ability? Because momentum thok is broken, like, VERY broken, not as high as the spindash, but broken.

Good Parts:
The mod has some downsides, but also some good sides! One thing is tails new ability, it's good for keeping your momentum. The same thing with fang, his abilities are also good for keeping your momentum, especially the bounce, I hated that ability because it takes away half of your momentum, which sucked.

Also, can there not be a momentum thok for almost every character? It's sorta annoying, because characters like ssnsonic, basically become sonic. For Knuckles, it would be nice for a glide boost, to boost your momentum when gliding.
is there any way to disable tricks? its messing with a character i have installed really badly
There is in fact a way to do so! Do you have SLADE? If so, you can open up XMomentum with it, navigate to /LUA/Xmomentum/, and open LUA_Xmomentum. Then, you can use CTRL+F and search "tricking" or just scroll down to it, and this is the line to edit:
    --start tricking if you're able to trick and press jump. some characters are too high res for this.
    if (p.mo.state == S_PLAY_SPRING or p.mo.state == S_PLAY_FALL) and not (p.pflags & PF_JUMPED) and p.cantrick == true 
    and not (p.isuselesschar or p.mo.skin == "ssnsonichd" or p.mo.skin == "jason" or p.mo.skin == "vanillasonic" or p.mo.skin == "microwave" or p.mo.skin == "ssntailshd")
You'll want to add onto that final line the character name you want to disable tricks for. In the case of R Chars' Tails Doll which doesn't work with tricks, we add on, after SSNTails within the bracket:
 or p.mo.skin == "tailsdoll"
I hope this helps, and Tails Doll's line here is added to a future update! Which, on that note, could be updated to support ChrispyChars better. Pointy doesn't enter Dash mode when running nor using the Peel-out, only when uncurling after a spindash; Super Pointy when on the ground constantly flickers between Peel-out animations and flight animations, and uses Xmomentum's tricks when hovering upwards; and lastly on the trick note- Pointy and Fluffy's tricks do not trigger properly with XMomentum loaded, instead doing only one of their tricks before triggering Xmomentum's.

I just love messing around with this mod, Sonic's power thok or whatever, love it. All of it is amazing. 10/10 would totally recommend.
So, I'm not sure if this is an issue with this mod or the character mod, but when using the ChrispyChars mod, Pointy Sonic's super form is...sorta broken. For one thing, when at top speed, he switches between his flight sprites and his peel out sprites rapidly. But the more glaring issue is that, when flying, it seems to register him as able to do tricks. So when you start flying up or downwards, he starts spinning for tricks. Now, this looks hilarious, to be fair, but it does cause problems. Hopefully it can be figured out soon?
The XMomentum mod may break a lot of modded characters, but I think that's what adds to the fun of it, especially with speedrunning
Here's a question. Is it possible to give Blue Shoes Tails his own model or texture so he won't still be using sprites with Models enabled? I ask, 'cause I altered the shoe texture for Jeck Jims' Tails model to make them blue just 'cause I preferred them, then remembered how this mod has Blue Shoes Tails, and figured there may be a way to have the Blueshoes code apply to models.


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So, I have.. a lot to say about this... so I love how you can run on water as anyone if moving fast enough, and I love how you can trick and gain... momentum from many things, but, I would make a lot of changes... I would make it so that tapping jump as tails has you use the burst, but I would also have it so that holding it DOESN'T use the burst, and flies normally, or vice versa. Have a console command so you can choose between these modes. Also, Hyper Sonic's air boost is literally JUST Super Modern's air boost... but WAY TOO SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER. I would say have Hyper Classic's boost work similarly, or identically, to Super Modern's air boost, with the significant ring drain, and the same speed, OR have it work like in Egg Reverie where you use 5/10 rings to gain a burst of speed, but only have it be bursts of speed, going to max... and provide a buff to Hyper Modern's boost so it has greater control and higher speed than before but still not as ridiculous as Hyper Classic's air boost. Also, nerf the tricks so you don't get AS much speed per trick, but still be capable of getting you up to hecking speed.

Edit: For one, sorry for being such a butthurt little heck, especially because for two... Turns out, Hyper Modern can clock in at like, 241... fracunits(???) of speed, with some accel, and quickly surpasses the 150 fracunits(??) that Hyper Classic has... But the point still stands that uh... Hyper Classic still has perfect turning control while Modern doesn't, and it is very easy for modern to lose his speed, while Hyper is (probably) a different story. I still say you should take my advice, but yeah. Just wanted to say sorry for being overly dramatic.
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A few blemishes on an otherwise perfect mod.

This is super awesome! I love how every character really feels powerful. A multitude of visual effects and good control bindings create what feels like a truly flowing experience.

However, I do have a few problems.

1. Tails feels strange.
Now, while I do understand that leaving Tails' flight as is wouldn't be of wise, as he is now, he feels... strange. He kind of just glides through the air weightlessly, and it's rather jarring. Adding some momentum to his flight would definitely help. Perhaps you could do something similar to KRework? I wouldn't know; I'm not one of the geniuses behind this mod.

2. Amy has a major control problem.
If you've played with me in a netgame, it wouldn't take you long to find out how much I like Amy. Even in vanilla servers where playing as her forces me to do precise platforming with input lag, I still play as her. So, when I heard that she was getting buffed, I was more than elated. Thing is, there's one tiny problem she has that completely breaks her mechanics. Whenever she has a shield, she cannot twinspin. This is very bad. Imagine having to thok to defeat enemies as Sonic. Now, imagine defeating those turtle enemies in Arid Canyon Zone like that. Yeah. Not fun. What I'd propose is an (optional) control change. Basically, pressing either spin or jump initiates a twinspin. Pressing the spin or jump again during said twinspin will initiate an Amycopter. From there, pressing spin or jump a third time would cancel said Amycopter with another twinspin. It's simple, consistent, and intuitive enough to get by. I'd recommend potentially making this control scheme optional, as it's only really something that players would want to use to eke out the most potential they can with Amy.

Anyways, that's all. Just a little bit of my rambling. I still think that this mod is absolutely wonderful, and opens up SRB2 in new and interesting ways, like a good mod always should.
Here's a question. Is it possible to give Blue Shoes Tails his own model or texture so he won't still be using sprites with Models enabled? I ask, 'cause I altered the shoe texture for Jeck Jims' Tails model to make them blue just 'cause I preferred them, then remembered how this mod has Blue Shoes Tails, and figured there may be a way to have the Blueshoes code apply to models.
Blueshoes Tails is actually a separate skin, so you could technically do that.
Maybe it is maybe not but why don't we give it a shot? And I do not think we should do this cuz' making it I think would be disrespectful for jeck
Here's a question. Is it possible to give Blue Shoes Tails his own model or texture so he won't still be using sprites with Models enabled? I ask, 'cause I altered the shoe texture for Jeck Jims' Tails model to make them blue just 'cause I preferred them, then remembered how this mod has Blue Shoes Tails, and figured there may be a way to have the Blueshoes code apply to models.

Think you could give me that model, cus I'm not sure if I can edit the shoe texture properly for the life of me..
This is a very interesting mod but it's kinda of a mix bag for me.

One of them being Tails, his new fur color is fine but his base shoe color being blue is kinda weird to me.

I think there should be a ingame config menu like something like Many Minor Tweaks or ChrispyChars.

This help with the shoe thing and others if it saved the settings.

Talking about ChrispyChars, Pointy Super/hyper Sonic seems to break kinda. (weirdly spinning when flying)

I think having full hyper support for ChrispyChars would be cool but Idk.

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