What in the world is SRB2 Workshop?

Fine. I am leaving this thread alone. But if I do see too much arguing (especially from you @Sandwichface and @DylanDude), I am definitely reporting all the messages with the backlash.
You're the only person in this discussion I've felt the need to warn right here. Sure, people have said some stupid things, but you're the only one actually being disruptive by backseat moderating. Let people have their arguments; if you need to report anything do it because people are flaming or trolling each other or something.
by our standards, yes.

but by their standards it qualifies as blue sphere because it's an addon to an addon.
Just to clarify here that mods that add *on* to the original mod instead of directly modifying the pk3/wad are welcome here, provided they have original content in it and follow the guidelines too.

I won't be sharing my thoughts on the subject at the moment.
there are rules in place that allow people to port mods even if the creators aren't around. it's common courtesy to ask people for permission to use their works, and even if they're not around, there are rules in place that give you the go-ahead anyway as long as you make the effort to reach out. portlegs are what happens when people don't make the effort to get permission.

you're very blind to the genuine talent and effort people put into their mods if that's what you have to say about them. samus is a good mod, one of my favourites, but it's easily one of the most complicated and i'm not going to die on the hill that people should strive to match that. even shine himself has said he doesn't want to. quality is 100% subjective but you're really limiting your own experiences if you're going to write off 99% of the mods released as bad or not worth your time because they're not as intricate or elaborate as samus. you'd surprise yourself. i definitely have.

mods are absolutely art. besides the fact that 90% of the work that goes into most character mods are the sprites (which i really hope i don't need to explain), every part of the creative process of modding is...creative. you're creating, putting things from your mind onto the canvas or file. that's art. creating is art. art is creating. and the notion that just because it's a fangame and not technically legal is horrible. there's a ton of work, time, passion and effort that's gone into srb2, and to dismiss it because it's just a fangame is just disrespectful.

disrespect as a whole is my main point of grievance here. you could go out of your way to ask for permission to port something, and those who do generally get a positive response, and sometimes even the go-ahead. they ask because they respect the art and the artist enough to give them the choice of how they would like their art to be treated, and in this case also preserved for what are functionally their original intentions. portlegs are ports without any trace of respect, because there's no input from the original artist. they're content to be consumed at that point. they're things to play, just like you described them. there's no art in them.
Yeah, I can realise that I had that bar too high. And the way I worded things could have been softer-
But still! Alot of mo- actually- No- Addons: are just Sonic but with a differing texture set- Or some even with the base CharAbility's and tweaked stats! And not to disrespect the people who draw their sprites in some way: But if the abilities are boring... The character is boring! No amount of sprite work is going to fix a boring moving character.

I personally find the amount of passion in this Message Board amazing! But if the minimum bar for entry was raised I believe that it would somewhat benefit everyone!
Oh and maps!
Play through it and see if its like... Playable??? And of at least mediocre quality???
Yeah, I can realise that I had that bar too high. And the way I worded things could have been softer-
But still! Alot of mo- actually- No- Addons: are just Sonic but with a differing texture set- Or some even with the base CharAbility's and tweaked stats! And not to disrespect the people who draw their sprites in some way: But if the abilities are boring... The character is boring! No amount of sprite work is going to fix a boring moving character.

I personally find the amount of passion in this Message Board amazing! But if the minimum bar for entry was raised I believe that it would somewhat benefit everyone!
Oh and maps!
Play through it and see if its like... Playable??? And of at least mediocre quality???
Id say that if your character has good sprites, then having no amazing or steller ability would be fine. But yeah all those zzzz sonic recolors suck lol.
Im happy that the message board is filled with talented people that can make mods without directly ripping from other people's work. That's what separates this and the workshop for me
Yeah, I can realise that I had that bar too high. And the way I worded things could have been softer-
But still! Alot of mo- actually- No- Addons: are just Sonic but with a differing texture set- Or some even with the base CharAbility's and tweaked stats! And not to disrespect the people who draw their sprites in some way: But if the abilities are boring... The character is boring! No amount of sprite work is going to fix a boring moving character.

I personally find the amount of passion in this Message Board amazing! But if the minimum bar for entry was raised I believe that it would somewhat benefit everyone!
Oh and maps!
Play through it and see if its like... Playable??? And of at least mediocre quality???
This reply already illustrates a problem with what you are suggesting: subjectivity. You find character mods with amazing sprites but limited abilities to be bad, but that's just your taste. Another user might prefer sprites over abilities, or have different definitions of what makes sprites/abilities good to begin with.

This forum has a rating and review system where you can check out what others thought of mods before you download them. You can even see the top addons and featured addons. I won't deny that you can't remove ALL subjectivity from the approval process, but making sure mods work and then letting the community sort through the rest is the ideal solution. Especially since people HAVE to start somewhere, nobody is going to bring a showstopping mod on their first go.
I personally find the amount of passion in this Message Board amazing! But if the minimum bar for entry was raised I believe that it would somewhat benefit everyone!
Oh and maps!
Play through it and see if its like... Playable??? And of at least mediocre quality???

That wouldn't benefit everyone, because then creators who have no built-up talent couldn't post their things to get criticism. The thing that truly benefits everyone is when you see a mod, think it sucks (or rocks) and give it a review and a star rating. Doesn't have to be a long one! But doing that helps everyone get feedback and also gives a boost to the mods people enjoy the most.
Yeah, I can realise that I had that bar too high. And the way I worded things could have been softer-
you're telling me, i could pick apart everything wrong and unreasonably harsh about what i said if not for the fact that it'd bore everyone to death. really sorry about that! i hope to do better.

But still! Alot of mo- actually- No- Addons: are just Sonic but with a differing texture set- Or some even with the base CharAbility's and tweaked stats! And not to disrespect the people who draw their sprites in some way: But if the abilities are boring... The character is boring! No amount of sprite work is going to fix a boring moving character.
there's still merit to find in these addons either way, since if they were accepted through releases, then there's original work to be found in them. sure, nobody can fault you for finding them boring or not fun to play, but they're let through to releases for a reason!

I personally find the amount of passion in this Message Board amazing! But if the minimum bar for entry was raised I believe that it would somewhat benefit everyone!
i actually find the lack of a minimum bar of entry to be an extremely great aspect of the site, mostly for the fact that it allows modders who are newer to srb2 to be able to receive feedback, and then grow over time to refine their practices and make better mods. if there was a bar for entry, then i guarantee that the amount of modders active today would be a lot lower. which i don't think would be a great thing for a community that thrives on modding.

that's the reason that a lot of these "sonic with different abilities" mods exist on the message board, a lot of them tend to be the result of experimenting with lua for the first time (or at least in my case it was, but please don't look for mine). it's also the same case for characters that have basic character abilities but custom sprites, they're showcasing the results of their first attempts at modding, which i think is great! getting rid of that opportunity for people would most likely hurt the modding community, i'd say.
This reply already illustrates a problem with what you are suggesting: subjectivity. You find character mods with amazing sprites but limited abilities to be bad, but that's just your taste. Another user might prefer sprites over abilities, or have different definitions of what makes sprites/abilities good to begin with.

This forum has a rating and review system where you can check out what others thought of mods before you download them. You can even see the top addons and featured addons. I won't deny that you can't remove ALL subjectivity from the approval process, but making sure mods work and then letting the community sort through the rest is the ideal solution. Especially since people HAVE to start somewhere, nobody is going to bring a showstopping mod on their first go.
Sorry- I kind of forgot about starting somewhere- and... the rating/review system... Maybe something like Steam Greenlight? Or allow the WIP to host Demo/Unfinished builds of their addons??? While yes people Could and Will put their addons up there if they dont get accepted-- Thats what the admins are for right?
That wouldn't benefit everyone, because then creators who have no built-up talent couldn't post their things to get criticism. The thing that truly benefits everyone is when you see a mod, think it sucks (or rocks) and give it a review and a star rating. Doesn't have to be a long one! But doing that helps everyone get feedback and also gives a boost to the mods people enjoy the most.
Isnt criticism a good thing?-- Not the "This stinks"" With no further context response mind you-- Maybe the admins or general members could say... Vote whether or not to put it into the general pool of addons! Or maybe that's just a lofty dream on my part.
Sorry- I kind of forgot about starting somewhere- and... the rating/review system... Maybe something like Steam Greenlight? Or allow the WIP to host Demo/Unfinished builds of their addons??? While yes people Could and Will put their addons up there if they dont get accepted-- Thats what the admins are for right?

Isnt criticism a good thing?-- Not the "This stinks"" With no further context response mind you-- Maybe the admins or general members could say... Vote whether or not to put it into the general pool of addons! Or maybe that's just a lofty dream on my part.
Not sure where I implied it wasn't a good thing, I'm saying giving criticism and a star rating is EXACTLY what you should do.

Admins are for moderating the site and the technical side of the forum software.
Judges are for making sure that submitted addons obey the rules.
The person that decides whether the addon gets a five-star rating or a one-star rating, that's you.

It sounds like you're asking for the judges to curate which mods are good enough to get on the MB, and though I can see the appeal, that's not the point of the MB. If sorting by highest rated mods isn't enough, it sounds like you might consider creating a "prestige" mod repository of your own for that purpose, because this is definitely a more general purpose one for all level of modders.
Not sure where I implied it wasn't a good thing, I'm saying giving criticism and a star rating is EXACTLY what you should do.

Admins are for moderating the site and the technical side of the forum software.
Judges are for making sure that submitted addons obey the rules.
The person that decides whether the addon gets a five-star rating or a one-star rating, that's you.

It sounds like you're asking for the judges to curate which mods are good enough to get on the MB, and though I can see the appeal, that's not the point of the MB. If sorting by highest rated mods isn't enough, it sounds like you might consider creating a "prestige" mod repository of your own for that purpose, because this is definitely a more general purpose one for all level of modders.
Ah... Well uh- This is all my opinion and also I seem to have misinterpreted it as,
["That wouldn't benefit everyone, because then creators who have no built-up talent couldn't post their things because of criticism."]
i think thats going too far, this was just a thread about me asking what was this site.
anyways thanks for all the clearup for this guys. anyways yall can stop talking about this now, this just shouldve been a 1 page thread lol
Oh, yeah, we forgot this...
Man this thread really brings out the worst in people. Just stop arguing with people who you know won’t stop. It’s pointless.
Just to clarify here that mods that add *on* to the original mod instead of directly modifying the pk3/wad are welcome here, provided they have original content in it and follow the guidelines too.

I won't be sharing my thoughts on the subject at the moment.
ah, good to know..
1. I don't like what this argument does to people and I think they aren't listening to eachother (valid point, has merit)

2. The solution to this is to start another argument as to wether this discussion should happen at all?? (What? What good could come of this? This is just monkey seeing monkey doing and doesn't do any good at all)

Solving an argument with another argument is both hypocrisy and a one way ticket to just getting stuck in a loop of arguments that will never end
You were warned to stop hammering on people to drop the discussion. Don't keep trying to drive home your point. Discussions (even heated ones) are okay.
1. I don't like what this argument does to people and I think they aren't listening to eachother (valid point, has merit)

2. The solution to this is to start another argument as to wether this discussion should happen at all?? (What? What good could come of this? This is just monkey seeing monkey doing and doesn't do any good at all)

Solving an argument with another argument is both hypocrisy and a one way ticket to just getting stuck in a loop of arguments that will never end
I did make a point two pages (or was it one? idk) but it did say that everyone is arguing, and they are.
fr, like i said this fight is all so dumb over JUST A WEBSITE.
and about portlegs and the ws
thats what makes the WS unique (in not a good way)
skybase and wadbase are dead, mb and gamebanana some of us get bored of the mods
but workshop is unique for having portlegs (like i said, not a good way)
we honestly should just make another thread about this.
we've already covered this page 1-2 and i feel like we're just wasting time
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