=Metroid Vanguard= Samus.pk3 (Huge update!)

The change log of a thousand (actually far more) words. I stand in agreement that hype is high! I think that 2.1 may be be a plausible release spot myself. A port to 2.2 whenever that comes out is more than possible, I'd hope!
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You know your just going to want to port it over for 2.2 anyway, so why not just wait, also when the chips are down your playing with your little sonic (can't be bothered to be more specific, because there are a million of sonic's out) and you'll want to play as Samus Aran.
Honestly, if you're really that close to finishing it for 2.1, then it'd be probably be best to finish it anyways, get it out there, and work on porting it over for 2.2.

You'd still have to rework the character for 2.2s' version of lua, either way :P
True it's kind of a hard decision. Just do what is best for you, but maybe you should just release it for 2.1 so we can give you feed back for 2.2 when the time comes. That could be a while though *sigh*.
Upcoming test for Metroid Vanguard!

Haha, figures the large majority wants me to work harder! Well, alright! I went ahead and put up a Discord server invite for the upcoming Metroid Vanguard testing, which should kick off this Friday!

Since a large portion of the new Samus' features are toggleable options, that means there's alot of combinations and syncing I need to check this time around. Anyone who wants to help me before release would be greatly appreciated!

Here's me hoping the HUD won't break on non-green resolutions. The V_SNAPTOx flags could help with positioning the HUD on non-green resolutions since most people I've played the release version of samus with use the native monitor resolution (and that's non-green). Other than that, keep up the good work! It's been ages since samus had any update at all, heh...
Yep! Had to redo the HUD entirely, but all resolutions work fine now without any major issues. The new speedbooster blur-lines won't appear on non-green/1080p resolutions, however.(the graphic won't fit on all of them.)

As usual, still recommend 1920x1080 like always whenever possible!

The new Samus is complete and released! Sorry to keep you all waiting for ages! Feel free to post pictures of your runs (100% or otherwise) here and tell me if they went well!

2.2 probably won't get a MASSIVE update, but I'd still like to know what you guys would prefer me to focus on next:

-More 3rd person sprites and animations for Samus.
-Extra playstyles in the form of Fusion Suit, gamemodes, or maybe Zero Suit?
-Maybe a (short and simple) single player/coop campaign?
-Maybe more Metroid-themed Match maps?
-More items! Grappling Hook, Scan/X-ray visor, more beams, maybe a powerup that temporarily combines 2 of your beams.
-More world events and maybe custom enemies or bosses
-Some other ideas I didn't think of?

I think Zero Suit should be next on the list, but take a break, you deserve it!

Thank you for putting up with the flood of bug reports as well.
Welp, it's been a pleasure helping test this stuff and working on the sprites. Seeing how far Samus has come since the initial release just makes me grin so much.



It's been a blast. :D Here's hoping it makes a big splash on the MS.
I'm glad I helped test this. This managed to fix almost all of the problems the original Samus had as well as add some new stuff!
Samus.pk3 [update 1, September 2nd 2019]

Released a quick hotfix! I've overlooked some minor things, so if you've downloaded before September 2nd, make sure to get it again!

-Players now get 3 stage revives instead of 1 in netgames
-The starter kit "basics" option([I]for coop[/I]) now gives energy tanks as well. 
-Fixed RPP-style monitors not working in coop for Sonic chars.
-Fixed pity monitor not respawning in Match if Sonic hits it.
-Nerfed the power beam's charge shot against Sonic chars
-Nerfed ring loss from Samus' regular shots/missiles on Sonic chars
-Sonic chars now get bigger bonuses for killing/damaging Samus in Match
-Players now get a controls HUD upon initially playing Samus.
-Removed a rare error message.

Samus.pk3 Hotfix 2, September 10th!

Found a gamebreaking CTF issue, so I had to make a 2nd hotfix. Added some new features and updates too to make this less redundant.

If you've downloaded before September 10th, make sure to get it again.

-Added unique reward for beating the game at 0% item rate!
-Made World Events a ship option rather than triggering if everyone is Samus.
-Made Token Ship option to force all characters to use Samus' behaviour
 [updated samusautoexec too]
-New animated Super Missile shot sprites.
-New animated Missile shot sprites. (courtesy of Burning-Fox)

-Fixed kills with certain projectiles making the CTF flag vanish forever.
-Fixed Deep Sea Zone act 1 not flooding when breaking the Knux-only path.
-Fixed "Basics" item option screwing up non-custom suited player colors
-Fixed tubes not morphing Samus in some circumstances.
-Plasma Beam & Powerbombs appear more under certain item rate % conditions.
-Fixed dumb Lua typo (put "powers[shield]" instead of "powers[pw_shield]")
-Added first-time Screw Attack HUD tutorial.
-Can now skip from first to last page and vice versa instantly in all options.

Any further bug reports and suggestions are greatly appreciated!



  • Samus.pk3
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Kinda bugs me that you have to restart all over your progress when playing a samus in some sort of save file. Especially when you finally obtain your fully powered suit.
Kinda bugs me that you have to restart all over your progress when playing a samus in some sort of save file

Make a txt that only contains the following 2 lines and save it with a .soc extension:
MainCfg Category
GameData = metroid.dat

I saved it as samussave.soc, just load it after loading Samus.pk3 (you can load it through the addons menu, just like any other wad).
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[custom gamedata]
I'm pretty sure he means item collection progress, as in max missiles, weapons, energy tanks and so on, the which you cannot save as SRB2 does not possess any capabilities to export variables to a file or import from a file.

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